“God, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking...”
My mouth curls slightly, but it’s barely even enough. “Hey, Chloe. Can you do me a favor?”
“Of course.”
I clear my throat. “Could you bring my bag to the studio? Assuming you know where that is and all.”
She laughs a little. “I do know where it is. Are you not going home?”
Silence falls between us again. I scratch my temple, contemplating letting Chloe know about everything my father had done. Before, I didn’t want her involved for her sake, but now things have escalated far worse.
“I… I don’t really have a home anymore.” The truth is bitter on my tongue.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
I sigh, leaning back on the couch. “Well… I had a gut feeling that Dad was behind Mom’s murder. I still don’t have solid proof he is, or he did it himself, but he… he laid his hands on me.”
I don’t know why my lip starts to wobble, and tears pool in my eyes. I should be used to admitting all of this by now.
“Come again…”
I blink back the water, taking a long breath to gather myself before telling Chloe everything that happened. From the top to the very bottom. It takes thirty minutes to go over every detail, including everything we know about Alec. When I finish, she’s speechless. I would’ve assumed we lost connection, or she hung up on me, but going by the faint breathing on the other line, I know she’s still there.
“Holy fucking shit. You’re joking, right? Is this some sick joke?”
“I wish I was joking, but I’m not. Alec has the recording on his phone.” My lip slides between my teeth, and I gnaw on it until a small tinge of blood hits my tastebuds.
“And he didn’t get questioned about what happened when you two showed up there?”
I sigh. “No… not that I’m aware anyway.”
“Summer, you know you need to report that. Turn in that recording.”
My eyes widen, and my heart skips a beat or two. “I can’t. I… he’s going to harm me. Hurt everyone else who was involved. I don’t…”
She cuts me off. “No. Stop. This isn’t something you can just sit on. You have physical proof that he tampered with a case. It may not be your mom’s, but it’s still something. If they have that recording, there is a huge chance you can dive into them reopening your mom’s case and figuring out what actually happened.”
Anxiety spreads through me as I sit for a minute, but she’s right. I can’t show my fear, not this time. If anything is going to change with the corruption in the police, if anything is going to be solved with Mom, it will be up to me to push for it.
I nod, even though she can’t see me. “OK. Yeah… but uhm… can you come with me? I think I need you this time.”
“Of course. Does Alec have any USB cards lying around? He can download the recording onto the computer and onto the drive. So you have a copy saved for yourself.”
“I can ask.”
“Great. Meet me at the commons in an hour.”
The second I end the call, my breathing starts to quicken. I’m shocked it’s waited this long. The panic pricks and pokes at my heart and lungs, causing me severe discomfort as my thoughts scatter in every direction imaginable.
I don’t think I can do this… but I have to.
It takes me a long while to gather my composure. Before I think twice, I stand up, forgetting something is wrong with my ankle. Pain shoots up my leg, ending at my knee, and I screech, quickly falling back down onto the couch.
Knowing I have wasted so much time already and have to meet Chloe in forty minutes, I push myself up again, keeping weight on the opposite foot and hopping into the kitchen. I use my hands to maintain balance, as I did when first getting out of bed.
When I open the door, my throat tightens as I look down the stairs and wonder how I will manage this.