He laughs. “You sure did.” He presses his lips on the top of my head. “You don’t have to try so hard. They’re not going to think any less of you.”

“I’m not trying hard. I’m just…” I pause, thinking about that for a second. “It doesn’t matter. You have really good friends.”

He moves closer to my ear. “You mean freaks.”

I push him off me. “Come on. I’m serious.”

Walking around him, I sit down on the stool closest to me. Alec does the same, sitting next to me. I place my palms against my forehead and sigh.

“I’m a crappy friend,” I admit.

“What makes you think that?”

I shrug, turning to face Alec. “I have one best friend. She and I were nearly inseparable growing up. I haven’t opened up to her much lately, except for very few things.”

Alec places his hand on my thigh. His fingers smooth along the upper leg, the warmth increasing my desire. “I’m sure she’ll forgive you. Was it the girl you went to my shows with? Tyler’s girl?”

My eyes widen. “I’m sorry. Tyler’s girl?”

Did I hear that correctly? That can’t possibly be right.

“What about my girl?” Tyler slurs as he walks into the kitchen.

Well, isn’t that perfect timing?

I look at Tyler, taking him in. His arm drapes across the door, and his shirt is halfway off; one side rests on his shoulder. I have so many questions. Most importantly, why did Chloe not tell me she was dating him?

I point to Tyler. “You are dating Chloe? My friend. My best friend.” I don’t know why I had to clarify that so much. I look at Alec again. “And you knew?”

I can’t believe this.

Alec shrugs. “I found out not long ago. I thought you knew.”

I start to shake my head in disbelief. My mouth hangs open. I’m speechless, confounded in my thoughts.

“Don’t look so surprised,” Tyler drawls, winking.

He just fucking winked at me.


I’m convinced that my life is one big fucked up joke. I don’t know what God’s intentions were for me, or if there was a plan set in stone to dismember my emotions one by one. Maybe a few rocks were intended to be tossed my way or a bucket of water dumped onto my head. Either way, I’m not enjoying any of this.

My best friend is dating Tyler… whatever his last name is. I don’t know it because we haven’t gotten that far in friendship for me to consider asking.

Alec locks the deadbolt after everyone leaves. I can finally breathe a little more normally. Thankfully, after the blow-up regarding Chloe, Alec thought it best for everyone to head home. So, he called a cab for them. It hadn’t taken long for the cab to arrive. In the meantime, the buzz I had vanished, and I’m almost debating on popping open another bottle.

I’m left with near disgust and half of a little something else that I can’t exactly figure out.

It’s not that Tyler isn’t attractive. He is, with his thick arms and strong jaw. But… he’s far from Chloe’s type.

Or maybe I don’t know much about my friend anymore.

“You look like you’re going to be sick, " Alec says, pulling me out of my endless thoughts.

I give him a solid expression. “I might. It’s not every day you find out your best friend is dating your boyfriend’s friend…”

His dreamy smirk fills his face. “Your boyfriend, huh?” His strides close the distance between us as he wraps his arms around my waist.