Even though my panic attack subsided, my throat is still parched. I’m mad at myself because I didn’t think to grab water, but luckily, I’m right by Walmart.

After looking both ways, I cross the street and head into the parking lot. I wait for the car that’s coming to a stop before I hurry across the parking lot. My boots pound against the pavement with each stride, but as I reach the doors, my steps slow down when I see that familiar sleeveless leather jacket and dark hair. He’s wearing sunglasses this time, probably to draw less attention.

The last thing I wanted was to run into Alec again.

It shouldn’t surprise me that he goes to the supermarket too. I mean, he has to live. What does surprise me is that I was thinking about him and then here he is. It’s almost like the universe is purposely bringing us together. A smile forms on my face from the thought, but I force it away trying my hardest not to feel warm and fuzzy.

But truthfully, I do feel every bit warm and fuzzy.

Nibbling on my bottom lip, I take a few steps closer. I’m not sure what I’d accomplish by walking up to him, but a part of me really wants to hear his voice again. I stop when I notice Samantha running out of the store and stopping beside him. She passes him a clear plastic bag with children’s toys inside. Confusion stirs in my belly. When I see his head turn to look both ways, I take a step off to the side to go unnoticed.

I watch them walk to the car closest to the store. Alec leans in and gives Samantha a quick side hug. I can see his lips move from where I’m standing. She throws her head back in a laugh. A strange sensation bubbles up in my stomach, causing an unsettling feeling. I’m angry at myself because there is no way I should be jealous when I hardly know Alec. And I’m far from ready to dive into a relationship with somebody, let alone a lead singer.

Samantha’s golden-brown hair moves along with her arm as she lifts it and gives a small wave before walking across the parking lot toward a silver Corolla and getting inside.

Despite knowing I should ignore Alec and go inside the store, I can’t. There is a strange part of me that can’t resist the temptation to approach him.

No, Summer. Turn around and ignore him.

I should listen to my inner voice. She’s pretty logical.

But instead of doing that, I start walking toward the white Nissan he’s standing next to, leaving me inches away from him. My heart shoots to the center of my throat as I wrap the cord to my headphones and stuff them into my pocket.

My steps slow, and I wait a minute, wondering if he even noticed me, but when he puts the toys in the back seat of the car and closes the door, he moves toward the driver’s side, and I know he doesn’t realize that I’m here.

I should have listened to my inner voice. I should turn around before he gets into the car and backs out of the parking spot. But I don't until my eyes move to the ground. My heart nearly stops, realizing that I am still in my pajamas. Light purple pajamas with polka dots on them… this is embarrassing and most definitely not how I want to walk up to Alec Sokolov. Now is a good time to walk away before he notices me.

I’m such an idiot.

Right when I pivot on my heels, his voice causes me to halt.

“Stalking again, Sunshine?”

I freeze mid-turn and make a face. What do I do? Shit. I almost want to keep walking and pretend I didn’t hear him, but I do the complete opposite. I turn back around and face him. The corner of his mouth tilts up. His eyes trail over me, and I’m left wanting to sink into a puddle.

I raise my hand in an awkward wave, hating that I did that. The loose gravel under my feet crunches as I close the rest of the space between us, stopping inches away from where he’s leaning against the car.

“I went to grab something to drink, and when I saw you, I…” My voice shakes, and I close my mouth, feeling like the world’s stupidest person alive.

His lips form an upside-down smile, and he nods his head as if he doesn’t believe me.

I wouldn’t believe me either.

Dread hits me in the gut when I see how much I really do look like a stalker. I can feel the dryness in my mouth increasing, and I nervously bite my bottom lip, rocking back and forth on my heels. A mix of embarrassment and regret fills me up.

Say something, Summer. You did this to yourself.

I sigh. “I, um, wanted to apologize to you.”

He crosses his arms, giving me a better view of the swirls of tattoos that cover his arm. “Apologize for what?” he asks.

“My father.” I press my lips together, even more ashamed.

Maybe I deserve to feel that way. All the decisions I've made lately haven't been the brightest.

He removes his sunglasses, hooking them into the collar of his white shirt. The sun beams down, brightening his gray eyes. The look on his face creates swirls in my belly.

His eyes narrow as he studies me and pushes himself off the car. “Look, you really don’t have to explain anything.”