“No,” I reply to Samantha, tugging a cigarette from behind my ear and lighting it.
I’ve felt even more angry than I was. I’m not sure if it’s because I had to sit on the sideline, or whether it’s because I can’t protect Summer from here.
Regardless, I haven’t been able to sit still since she left.
“She’ll be fine, you know.” Samantha forces her tone to stay calm, only to make me feel better. It does the exact opposite.
“You have no idea what he’s capable of. What he has done. You weren’t there.” I bring my cigarette to my mouth hoping to ease up some tension. It doesn’t help. It hardly ever helps at times like this.
The truth is, I’ve never wished for someone to be beaten to death more than I’d love to watch her father be pummeled. I know how fucked up that sounds. My own girlfriend’s father.
“Maybe not, but what happened when you were there? Did it ever occur to you that it was done because you were there? I’m not saying Raleigh isn’t at fault; he sure is because who in their right mind would choke their own child to near death? But I don’t think it would have escalated as much if you weren’t with her. Chloe being in there right now is the best option.”
I listen to her. I do. And I can’t say that she’s completely wrong. It’s a damn fact that I pissed off the asshole by being with his daughter. But there comes a time when a line needs to be drawn. He’s crossed the line multiple times. He’d do it again.
I lean my head against the headrest, puffing away at my cigarette and pretending that everything is fine. There isn’t a single cell in my body that has enough motivation to argue with Samantha, so I don’t.
Her hand swings around the seat. She places it on my arm, leaning over. “I’m only trying to help.”
I couldn’t hold back the laugh. It’s sarcastic, and full of rage. “You’re doing a real shitty job.”
“Don’t be such a dick,” James barks in defense.
I ignore him, too, because he’d be just as much of a dick if he felt close to what I’m feeling. Maybe if he took his dick out of his ass once in a while and actually settled with someone instead of fucking them and leaving, he’d understand.
A few minutes later, I light up another smoke. James, Samantha, and Tyler all make small talk in the backseat. Their voices fade slowly as an unwanted replay creeps through my mind.
Raleigh’s fingers wrapped around Summer’s neck, creating a sickening feeling to coil through the pit of my stomach. I can almost hear her gasping for air and choking on her own spit. I can see her face turn red with each passing breath as she struggles to shovel air into her lungs. Soon, the smell of fear and desperation fills the air as she works to break free from his grasp, only to come up short. My body tenses up as I feel the pressure of his hands on my own neck. The thought alone is enough to make me shudder in horror.
I’m startled by Samantha’s hand on my arm again, jumping and creating a fist with my hand, but I stop myself before it comes in contact with her face.
“What the fuck!” James shouts, pulling Samantha back.
“You seriously need to relax. You’re losing it,” Sam points out.
I groan, rubbing my free hand down my face before flicking the ash off the end of my butt out the window. I shake the memory and thoughts out of my head.
“I can’t,” I admit. “I should be inside with her.”
“We already talked about this. We’re not getting into it again.”
Tyler jumps in. “Chloe is a badass, I can promise you that. I know you haven’t had much time to get to know her, but she wouldn’t let anything happen.”
For a long beat, I let their words sink in. All of their words. I understand what is at stake if I would have gone inside, but that doesn’t outweigh this feeling. I should be the one to protect her.
The entire situation is so fucked up. On top of that, I don’t particularly appreciate being left in the dark about what’s happening inside and knowing exactly what could fucking happen.
Regret hits me hard. I should have fought harder to protect her when Raleigh’s grimy hands were around her throat. I know I’ve done everything I could have given the circumstances, but I should have done more. Right now… I can’t sit here and do nothing.
I shake my head, fed up with waiting. “Fuck this.”
“Alec, don’t,” Sam starts but I open the door and slam it, stalking my way across the parking lot. “Alec!” she shouts, getting out to chase me down.
I’m halfway to the door when it opens. My heart regulates when I see Summer and Chloe come out, but I’m left instantly frowning at the sight of her puffy eyes, and arms wrapped tightly around her stomach.
If someone touched her again, I swear to fuck, I will stride in there myself.
Chloe shakes her head, and that’s enough for me to know not a single thing was done. I jog the rest of the way, wrapping my arms around Summer’s waist. Chloe removes her from Summer’s back. Summer instinctively shoves her face into my chest, her breath trembling.