A faint sound from the studio bounces off the walls of the small hallway. I take a deep breath to settle my beating heart as I hold onto one side of the doorframe and hop into the hall. I close the door and keep my weight against the wall as I slowly glide along it until I’m close enough to extend my arm out for the railing.
This is harder than I anticipated it would be.
Jumping on one foot, I make it to the top step. Fear clenches against my lungs. I consider sitting on the steps and sliding down the stairs like a little kid on a slide, but I would feel silly doing so. Instead, I lean against the wall the railing is screwed onto and hold on tight as I slowly leap my way down a few steps. The pain throbs in my ankle, and when I look down, I see it swelling.
I shift slightly, caving in and taking advantage of my inner child by sitting on the steps and using my good foot to scoot my way down each step on my ass. I look utterly ridiculous, more so feel like an idiot.
Finally, I reach the bottom, nearly out of breath, and press my weight onto one hand to pull myself up with the other using the railing. When I’m standing, I lean back against the wall, thankful the door to the studio isn’t that far from where I am.
As I reach the door, I turn the knob, push it open, and hop into the studio; shame creeps over me when the faint sound of music stops, and everyone looks my way. Including someone I’ve never seen before.
“Summer,” Alec says, hurrying my way after placing his guitar down. “Did you not read the note I left?” He swings my arm over his shoulder and wraps an arm around my waist. I lean against him, desperate for support.
“No, I read it,” I breathe.
“What the hell happened to your ankle,” James points out, shoving a guitar pick between his teeth.
A sarcastic, embarrassing laugh escapes from my lungs. “I fell out of the shower.” Why did I tell James that? Oh god.
My face heats, and I only want to sink back into bed and forget this late morning.
“You fell… out of the shower?” he repeats questioningly.
“James, mind your own business,” Samantha bites. He shrugs, still looking at me for answers that he isn’t going to get.
I turn, looking at Alec with sympathy.
“I told you to call me so I can help wrap your ankle,” he says low and softly.
“I’m not a very good listener,” I admit, shrugging.
“No shit.” He guides me to the closest stool so I can sit down, then begins to roll up the cotton pants he helped me put on before falling asleep to get a good look at my ankle. “Jesus. It’s swollen. You need to see a doctor.”
I shake my head. “The doctor can wait. Do you have that wrap?”
He nods, and Samantha comes over with the ace bandage and passes it to Alec. “I saw this when I came in. I wasn’t sure what it was for, but now it’s clear.”
“Thank you.” I give her a soft smile and watch Alec carefully wrap my ankle. He does it with precision, almost like he's used to concealing damaged ankles. “How many ankles have you wrapped?” I ask Alec.
He smirks. “Enough.” He continues, ensuring it’s tight enough but not too tight that it cuts off circulation. “I’ve had my fair share of sprained ankles.”
As he finishes up, I can’t help but notice the strange man in a casual suit diagonal from me. He rests one elbow on his knee and a binder in the opposite hand. If I had to guess, it must be the coordinator. A swampy feeling slams into me as he studies me with precision.
He rises, and I tense a little, hoping Alec didn’t notice. The man’s fancy dress shoes click against the hardwood section of the studio floor as he walks toward me.
“You must be the newest addition to the group,” he tells me without question in his voice.
My eyes narrow, and my hands become clammy. “I wouldn’t exactly say that.”
He cocks his head, strangely eyeing me. I reposition myself on the stool when Alec finally let’s go of my ankle.
“That’ll do,” Alec says, gazing at the man giving me the creeps. “Chase, this is Summer.”
His eyes move swiftly toward Alec, nodding and then looking back at me. “It’s nice to put a face on you. Please make sure he doesn’t fuck up any more than he already has,” the creepy man, Chase, says to me with a smile on his face while patting Alec on the shoulder.
I can’t help but notice James, Tyler, and Samantha all stare, keeping their mouths clamped shut, which only escalates my feelings.