"Can we discuss this elsewhere?" I ask, and my father’s eyes wander at the now-sleeping child in my arms. The lady nods, and I lead her out of the graveyard towards the cars. I hand Joely over to Bella, and she, Reed, and Maria wait in the car.
When I turn around, I'm greeted by the family reunion I never asked for. There were a million- no a trillion other places I'd rather be right now than here with them. Because they lacked every ounce of class, there was. They had no decency or respect left in them, three washed-up souls who were mere ghosts in my life.
"Miss Taylor, Mr. And Mrs. Calaway, Miss Calaway—" My father cuts Amanda off before she can continue. "Her last name is not Taylor; it's Calaway." He corrects, and she turns to look at me, confused by the name on the paper she held in her hands.
"I legally changed my name seven years ago, so I am Hope Mary Ellen Taylor." She nods and turns back to the will in her hand, which is held inside a black leather folder.
"I am Eliza Cruz. Mary Ellen James hired me as her executor and lawyer. I am here to talk about the assets." A grueling pit formed again at the thought of being dragged to court with them. It was no contest, so even if they tried, they wouldn’t have a shot in hell.
"How will they be divided?" This time, Julie asked, not showing any remorse. She wasn't even crying even though her mother had just died. I guess I felt the pain she should have felt because my mother figure never existed. I had an addict in place of a woman who should love me and make me feel safe. But here she was, full of greed, wanting something from her mother in death rather than mourning what she lost.
"They won't be," Eliza said, and as the words left her mouth, a stupid smile spread across Julie's wicked face. She had no idea, and for some reason, that left me more satisfied than the automatic disappointment.
"So, you're saying all her assets? Her accounts, the coastal house, condos, cars, and jewelry?" She paused, shocked, acting like she just won the lottery, some treasure she'd been after her whole life. But Grandma was smart. She knew they'd just gamble it all away, "Everything will all go to me?" My mother said, pretending to be astonished, almost proud of herself in a way that disgusted me.
Now I knew exactly why Grandma named me trustee: because she knew her daughter. She knew that I would do whatever Grandma wanted with her legacy because, in death, it was still hers—something that could never be wasted.
"Actually, all the assets are stated to go to Miss Taylor." Eliza looked up at me awkwardly, and I watched as the color drained from my mother's face, but my father’s turned a dark red, "There must be some mistake?" This time, Taryn questioned. She looked appalled at me, like I had committed the most heinous crime. When the reality was that I just cared for the only woman who gave a damn about me.
"There isn't. Mary Ellen requested that all of her assets go to Hope Taylor in the event of her death." My father ripped the folder out from her hands, scanning it in disbelief.
"This is ridiculous!" he threw the will to the ground, shaking his head. "I'm the trustee; I will not allow this to happen." I knew it was wrong to smile on such a dark day, but it slowly formed on my face as those words left his mouth. Eliza stayed silent but simply shook her head before I cut in.
"I'm the trustee. Grandma named me as the trustee and proxy towards the end of her care.” His eyes looked as if they were about to pop out. I'd never seen him look this angry. I’ve seen my father's face turn all shades of red in rage, but this was different, and he looked like he could kill.
"That bitch!” He yells bitterly, "Years, I wasted years!" He stomped like a child throwing a fit. "This will not stand. You better lawyer up, Hope!" With that, my smile grew, and for the first time in my life, I smiled at my father, a man of disappointment. Because I won, I won against him after all the times I hadn't.
"Actually… I am a lawyer, and the legalities of this check out Hyram. So, you can do whatever you want and waste the money you don't have, or you can let go." A laugh could be heard, and as I turned to her, Taryn shook her head. "You couldn't even pick up a pencil, let alone a book; how the hell are you a lawyer?”
"I graduated in the top of my class in law school. Full ride, undergrad and graduate, all while being a mother and you? Well, you were probably on some crusted couch in a shit motel with a bag of potato chips in hand. So, I guess I should thank you for not taking me in." Fury grew on her face from my words, but I didn't care. These people were worthless, and they wanted nothing but money. I watched as Taryn began to lunge at me, but before she could reach me, Theo stepped in front of me. Nobody from my life now had ever met nor spoken with my parents; they simply heard the stories.
"Wow, you really just want to build a case for yourself in court? That is if you do decide to go up against Hope, and let me spoil the ending... you lose. You'll always lose and Hope? She'll suck any penny you have tucked away in whatever shack you live in. So attacking her would seriously do more damage to your record?" I felt the tears pool in my lids.
"This is a family matter-"
"I'm her fucking family? Who the fuck even are you? Her Dad?" Theo laughs, "What kind of father are you? You don't deserve to call Hope your family, so get the hell out of my face before I make yours unrecognizable," I closed my eyes after those words, but silence followed.
The sound of footsteps slowly fading and a car door slamming shut could be heard in the distance, but as I opened my eyes, he stood in front of me. The tears left my eyes again as I stared into his dough-brown ones.
"Shhh," he said, tucking me into his chest. “Don't even give them a second thought, Hope. You won." A kiss was placed against my forehead as I continued to dampen his suit.
"Hope?" His concerned voice came from behind, and I turned to Reed. He looked upset, and I knew it wasn’t because I was crying. But I wasn’t up for any type of unreasonable dispute—not on a day like today.
Theo stepped aside, leaving the two of us to speak alone in this cold, lonely graveyard. I just wanted to run and hide, not to explain myself for every action today.
"My parents," I explain as my voice quivered in hurt as I spoke.
"Let's get you home," he attempted to comfort me. But I didn't want to go home precisely because home was where a mercy meal would be held, one I didn't want to attend.
"Can you guys go ahead without me, all of you? I'm going to stay and talk to Ms. Cruz for a bit." He nods and looks up to Theo. They stare at each other, and anger lingers behind their eyes. They were like two little boys. I honestly didn't have time for it.
“Eliza, shall we?” She nods and we proceed to her car.
Hope Taylor
As I finish up with Eliza, I'm left stunned at my grandmother's generosity. I knew she loved me. No amount of money would fix the loneliness I felt in my heart. But her leaving me everything was something I'd never understand. Grandma wasn't your average woman. She was once a stewardess for Pan Am and was quickly married off to a wealthy man by the time she was nineteen, falling hopelessly in love with him. But he died, then she fell for the scum I called my Pops.