Page 55 of Prince of Pain

“Want to hotbox the car with me?”

“Absolutely,” he smirked, finishing his food and waiting for me to do the same with mine before he stood, dropping money on the table.

“You seriously tipped Penn? She was rude to me,” I scoffed, and he raised an eyebrow with amusement.

“You were a bitch to her. She brought us our food, so she gets a tip. One day, when you’re a waitress because no one else will hire you thanks to your lack of education, you’ll be grateful for tips too.”

That made me snort. I’d rather do porn than wait tables.

Mason draped an arm around my shoulders and tugged me against his side, kissing my temple sweetly. “Or you could just marry me and I’ll be your sugar daddy.”

“You’ve resorted to bribery now?” I teased, aware that Uncle Alex and Uncle Harley were watching me from behind the bar. “I don’t see a wedding in my future.”

“I’ll just keep fucking you until you choose me,” he chuckled, swatting my butt before leading me towards the door.

“Tempest, wait up,” Uncle Alex called out, making me sigh as I stopped walking. I should’ve known he wouldn’t just let me walk out of here.

“Uncle Alex. What can I do for you?” I asked lazily, and Mason scowled.

“Do you need more caffeine or something?” He looked up at Alex, apology lining his tone. “Sorry. We’re working on her manners.”

Alex snorted, eyeing him. “Good luck with that. Tempest, I heard you’re looking for a job.”

“Where the fuck did you hear that?” I asked, crossing my arms. “Because I’m not.”

“Oh. Arch said you were trying to find one. The offer’s there if you want it.”

“I’d have a job at Wet Dreams if Dad would let me. He won’t?—”

“Your dad doesn’t want you working at his strip club? Shocker,” Alex deadpanned. “I mean it, if you need work, come find me.”

“You expect me to work in your shitty little bar for minimum wage? No, thank you,” I said rudely, amusement flickering across his face.

“We don’t pay minimum wage, but even if we did, at least it’s a wage. You don’t even have one of those right now.”

“It’s alright for you guys, you own a bar!”

“A bar I just offered you a job at and you turned down,” he pointed out, walking away without sparing Mason another glance.

“You know—” Mason started, but I cut him off.

“Shut up. Let’s go,” I hissed, practically dragging him outside.

He’d driven my car, so I climbed into the passenger seat and shut myself inside, waiting for him to get in too. I didn’t understand why people were so territorial over their cars, I preferred being a passenger princess any day.

If someone wanted to drive my car so I didn’t have to, I was all for it.

We didn’t speak until Mason pulled into the parking lot at the skatepark in Blackwater, saying he’d be back in a second before climbing out and walking towards the halfpipe where a few guys were hanging out. Some were skating, but I noticed Channing and Wolfe standing off to the side talking to a couple of other guys.

Mason said something that had them all glancing over at me, and I wiggled my fingers out the window to wave. Channing was obviously annoyed by the way he turned back to Mason and pointed in my direction, while Wolfe started making his way towards me.

He opened the driver’s side door and slid in, shutting the door behind him and glancing at me. “Are you done being a fucking psycho?”

“You like me crazy,” I retorted, my eyes dropping to his belt as he unbuckled it with one hand, not taking his eyes off me. “You came over to blow your load? Charming.”

“It’s the only reason any of us spend time with you, and you know it. You owe me anyway.”

“What the fuck for? Not that I’m complaining.”