Page 50 of Prince of Pain

“Just use your phone camera. Do you know how much some of those Onlyfans’ accounts make? You can do whatever you want, and people will pay to see it.”

“You think?”

“You’re hot, use it to your advantage. If you need someone to rail you on camera, call me,” he chuckled, flicking his cigarette on the ground.

We sat in silence until Ryder finally drove his car out of the garage and stopped in front of us. “Get in.” Mason got in the back so I could sit in the front, and once we were on the road, Ryder looked over at me. “Next time you have a meltdown like last night, I’m calling your father. I don’t need your bullshit on top of mine. Clear?”

“That place made you boring,” I sighed, earning a dirty look before he returned his eyes to the road.

“The rehab center made me sober. Maybe you should try it sometime.”

“Like I said, boring.”

“Where am I taking you?” he asked instead of arguing further.

“My place. I’m going to take my car out. Mase is going to put gas in it and take me for breakfast.”

“I guess that’s the least he can do after teabagging your eyeballs with his nuts this morning.”

“Damn, I get rewards for that? What do I get from you for the cream pie then?” I joked, but he didn’t smile.

“That was my reward for putting up with your shit last night. Whatever delusion you have about you and me needs to stop. We’re done, Tempest. You’re toxic for my sobriety.”

“You’ll be back, you always are,” I chuckled, peering back at Mason. “Hear that? You get me all to yourself now.”

“I highly doubt that,” Mason replied dryly, texting on his phone.

Ryder turned his music on to kill any more conversation, not speaking again until we arrived at my place. He turned it down, tossing a plastic bag at me. “Don’t call me.”

I rolled my eyes and climbed out with it, waiting for Mason to do the same before watching Ryder take off, his tires screeching.

I looked in the bag to find my ruined clothes and shoes, and Mason raised an eyebrow.

“Damn, he made sure you didn’t have a reason to go back.”

“I always have a reason to go back. It’s him,” I said with a shrug, walking towards the house and letting myself in. I wasn’t surprised when Dad appeared, his eyes running over both of us.

“You want to explain what happened last night?”

“No. We have plans,” I said and motioned to Mason. “He owes me since I did that thing he likes.”

“Jesus, babe,” Mason laughed nervously, holding a hand out to Dad. “What she means is, I’m taking her out for breakfast because I want to make sure she eats. Mason Ridgegate, Sir.”

“Because I used all my energy on him,” I pointed out, making him groan.

“Stop before he shoots me.”

Dad was glaring at him, so I was surprised with his response. “Hunter said you helped her last night, which is the reason I’m not shooting you right now. Are you going to tell me what happened since it’s obvious she’s not going to?”

“What did Hunter tell you?” Mason asked slowly, and Dad smirked cruelly.

“That doesn’t matter. I want to know your version.”

“Uh, she got too drunk and had a meltdown. She hurt herself, so we called Ry since she listens to him. I wanted to stay with them to make sure she was okay.”

Dad’s face fell, and I instantly knew Hunter hadn’t told him the part about me hurting myself.

“What did you do to yourself?” he snapped, his gaze running over me until it stopped on my bandaged arm. “Show me.”