I slammed the door as I left, unlocking my car and climbing behind the wheel.
I drove towards home but changed my mind at the last minute, turning around and heading towards Blackwater.
Cars lined the street and I found a spot as close as possible, not understanding why I’d come here in the first place. Tempest wasn’t my fucking problem, I had enough of those, but I hated that the guys were letting people talk about her online like that.
It would only be another reason for her to hurt herself.
People whistled and cheered when I pushed through the crowd, and as much as I’d always loved it, it was getting old. They all just hoped I’d either fuck them or throw my money around.
“Yo, Donovan. Get that look off your face before you scare all the girls away,” Wolfe joked as he materialized beside me. My steps didn’t slow, but he kept up with me easily.
“Where’s Channing?”
“If you’re here to start shit, I hope you know I won’t apologize for knocking you out,” he said without a hint of annoyance. Wolfe was a dick, but he was an honest one. “This is my territory, man. I don’t shit in your backyard, so don’t shit in mine.”
“Where the fuck is he? I’m not fucking around,” I snapped, people glancing at us nervously as I made my way towards the pool house. Wolfe didn’t stop me, he had no problem letting me throw a punch at his friend, but I also knew it would end in me getting my ass beat.
I was cool with that.
I shoved open the door, and Tempest grinned from her place on the couch. She was naked, her eyes barely open as she slurred her words.
“Well, if it isn’t the Prince of Ashburn! You finally came to your senses? Come party with us!”
Mason and Channing eyed me from the couch beside her as they shared a joint, and Mason had the audacity to shift his body towards Tempest as if to keep her safe from me.
He was the one killing her with the fucking pills he was shoving down her throat.
Channing watched me silently as I scruffed the front of his shirt and hauled him to his feet, getting in his face and trying to ignore the tempting scent of weed. “Take that shit down from Instagram.”
He smirked, tilting his head. “Don’t be a buzzkill. Sniff some coke off her tits, you’ll feel better.”
“She’s coming home with me.”
I had no idea what to do with her once I got her home, but I’d deal with that later.
“Excuse me?” Tempest mumbled, trying to get to her feet but failing. “I’m staying here with the guys!”
“You’re barely conscious, Temp.”
“It’s not like you haven’t fucked me while I’m passed out.”
“You mean when we were both high as fuck and out of our minds? Yeah, I know. It’s one of the reasons I gave this shit up.” My eyes swung back to Channing and I scowled. “Seriously, dude. Remove them. It’s better for you if Archer doesn’t see you in photos with his half-naked daughter who’s clearly high. He’ll come looking for her and murder you in the process.”
Wolfe leaned against the wall close by with his arms crossed, most likely waiting for Channing’s word to beat me up. I’d seen the guy fight, so I knew it was going to hurt like hell if he started swinging.
Channing pushed me back to force me to let him go before stepping into my space with a low voice. “You really want to start shit with me and my boys, Donovan? Over pussy you claim you don’t even want?”
I shoved him back, refusing to back down. “Temp, baby. Get dressed.”
Channing smirked, but it was full of malice, not humor. “You’re making a mistake, man.”
“She can barely sit up. I don’t want to fight with you, I respect you, but you don’t want the trouble she’ll bring you if her father finds out she’s on her knees for you in this state. There’s plenty of other girls here tonight, so let me take Tempest home,” I said calmly, flicking my eyes to Wolfe. “You want to be the next guy dropped in a shallow grave? That’s exactly where Archer will leave you.”
Mason scowled from the couch, knowing Channing’s decision before he even nodded and looked at Tempest. “Get dressed and go.”
“What the fuck, Chan?” Tempest spat, her eyes narrowing as he stood over her with a glare.
“You fucking heard me. Leave. I don’t need this shit tonight.”