“I wasn’t going to. I’m just trying to figure out who the fuck is selling to you. You sure they wouldn’t spike your drink for fun to get you back as a regular client?” he asked slowly, and I shook my head.
“No. Channing was pissed. He doesn’t tolerate that kind of shit at his parties,” I said, standing up to pace. “I didn’t go near too many people I don’t trust. We usually end up in one of the guys’ bedrooms or the pool house to fuck.”
“We?” he asked casually.
“Yeah, me and the guys usually spend most of the time fucking Temp,” I said with a grin.
“Are you being safe about it?”
“I’ve never wrapped it up with Temp. I don’t think I’ve bought condoms since high school, to be honest.”
“Jesus, Ry. She’s sleeping with multiple other people in the same night and it sounds like you do the same.”
“What’s a little bit of chlamydia among friends?”
He rubbed his temples, obviously sick of my shit. “You need a health check.”
“It’s like roulette.”
“Ryder, enough,” he warned, moving to stand in front of me. “What have you taken today?”
“Tipped my room upside down and found some crystal. I forgot how good this shit is, I haven’t had it since before I went to rehab.”
He stared at me in silence for a second before grabbing my elbow to start dragging me inside. “I fucking told them you’d gotten back on the hard shit.”
“Fuck off, it’s not like I have more,” I scowled, trying to pull away but failing.
“What else have you been taking?” he demanded as he continued dragging me.
“Today? Do you mean since I woke up or since midnight? The answer will vary depending on the time frame. If you mean since I woke up, then it was just champagne.”
“And since midnight?”
“I was rolling on molly just before midnight, and I think we did lines after that. No! The other way around. I think. I don’t remember,” I said with a frown.
“You’re going to fucking OD. You’re mixing too much, and you’re drunk on top of it,” he snapped, his fingers tightening as we got into the house and I tried to pull away again. “Ryder, stop it.”
“Fuck off!” I barked, making him stumble as I shoved him off me in the kitchen, Noah appearing in the doorway and making Diesel point at him.
“You need to go to your room until you’re told otherwise.”
“You think I’m going to beat up a kid or something?” I laughed, motioning to Noah. “We’re buddies, right?”
“Yeah. We can hang out if you want?” Noah offered, but Caden materialized beside him.
“Noah, go. Now isn’t the time,” Caden warned, and I just laughed again.
“There’s never the right time to hang out with me, dude. I’m always too much of a mess for them to let that happen. At least it seems they care about one of us, am I right?”
“What's going on?” Mom asked as she walked into the room, putting her keys and bag on the counter. “I wasn’t gone that long, was I?”
“Convenient timing,” I snorted. “Are they all fed and tucked into bed, Mom?”
Mom seemed puzzled by my question, her gaze locking on mine suddenly. “You told me you weren’t on anything.”
“I wasn’t, but now I am,” I smirked, pointing at Diesel with a wink. “Couldn’t fool Diesel though. It’s like he has a sixth sense for it.”
“You found drugs in this house?” she bit out and turned her attention to Diesel for answers, making him sigh.