“You think him being a dick to me hurts my feelings? It just makes my pussy wet,” I answered, a laugh leaving him.
“You’re twisted.”
“You love it,” I grinned, swatting him on the ass. He grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder, the other girl forgotten about as he carried me to his bedroom. “I thought you were mad at me?”
“Can’t be mad if my dick’s inside you.”
He dropped me onto the bed and unbuckled his belt, eyeing me as I scrambled to get naked. I’d bark like a dog for Mason and he knew it.
“How do you want me?” I asked huskily, and he flipped me over so that I was bent over the bed with my ass in the air.
“Just like that. Legs together for me.” His fingers teased my pussy, and I melted into the mattress, but I didn’t get to relax for long before my hair was wrapped around his fist, and he pulled me back at an awkward angle, sliding inside my pussy with a groan. “Fuck, Temp.”
I held my hands out on the mattress in front of me, my back arched as he thrust in and out.
We ended up with me on all fours on the bed with him kneeling behind me, my face shoved into the pillows as he almost railed me through the bed and into the pits of hell. We’d done a lot of positions since we started sleeping together, so I knew this was his favorite.
Worked well for me because I came easily like this too.
Not that I ever went without, Mason was definitely a giver.
Chapter Eight
I’d just gotten into bed when my phone rang, and I groaned as I rolled over to check it, finding Channing’s name on the screen. I knew before I answered that it was something about fucking Tempest.
“Might want to come get your girl, she’s a mess,” Channing grunted, music and chatter in the background.
“She’s not my girl or my problem, asshole.”
“Tell that to her. She’s drunk and crying about you.”
“Still not my problem.”
“She’s bleeding if that helps,” he said dryly, saying something to someone else before continuing. “She’s cut herself pretty badly. Mase is trying to calm her down to patch her up, but she won’t let anyone near her. She’s asking for you.”
A curse left me and I raked a hand through my hair, sitting up with a sigh. “Can’t you call an ambulance or something?”
“I could, but then cops will show up and see all the underage drinking and drugs. The way she’s babbling nonsense and attacking people would get her a holiday in the whacky shack.”
“Jesus Christ, I’m coming. Tell her I’m on my way and to let Mason help her,” I said as I got out of bed and held the phone to my ear with my shoulder while putting my pants on. “What nonsense is she saying?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I said it's nonsense. She mentioned you, then said something about her father, and now she’s trying to stab Wolfe for trying to restrain her. I’ve never seen her like this before, it’s like she’s having a breakdown.”
He didn’t sound that concerned, just annoyed.
“See you soon,” I muttered before hanging up to finish getting dressed, snatching my keys and wallet on my way out of the room.
The house was quiet since most people were still out, but I did find Hunter in the kitchen. He glanced up when I started rummaging in the cupboard for one of the medical kits, a frown on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’ll be back soon. Tempest is having a breakdown or something at a party, and she’s hurt herself,” I said absently, feeling him move towards me.
“Call her father. You’re making that girl your problem, and you don’t need to deal with that shit, Ry.”