“That’s what concerns me. She could make you change your mind. Addiction is nothing to be ashamed of, but it’s the devil,” she replied, letting me pull my hand back from her hold. “And apology accepted. I don’t want to ban you from the club, but I will if you keep stirring up trouble. Understood?”
“I really am sorry.”
I was. I hated it when my mind got all fucked up and I lost my temper, but it was happening a lot lately.
Tempest flounced into the room and dropped into the chair opposite me as if she hadn’t just crawled out of my bed, tangling her legs with mine under the table.
I couldn’t lie, I kicked her a little.
“Want to come to a party later with?—”
“No,” I said flatly, pushing my chair back and getting to my feet. “I’ll see you later, Lexi.”
Lexi gave me a smile, but it looked forced as Tempest blew out a breath. “Don’t be a stick in the mud. I’ll even blow you.”
“Tempest!” Lexi snapped, but I walked right past them and headed outside, surprised to find Archer still standing on the doorstep. I mumbled a goodbye to him on the way past, but he sighed.
“Wait, Ryder.” I turned, his jaw clenched as he spoke calmly. “Thank you for bringing her home.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Don’t touch her again, you hear me?”
“I could outrun you, old man,” I smirked as I turned and jogged to my car.
“My bullets are fucking faster!” he bit out before stalking inside and slamming the door, his voice carrying as he yelled at Tempest inside.
I climbed into my car and went to drive off, but Mom called, making me sigh as I answered the phone. “Yeah?”
“Just making sure you’re alive,” she said dryly as I started the car and drove towards home.
“I brought his sweet princess home. He thanked me.”
“No threats?”
“Can you not start a crew war over pussy?” she scolded, a laugh leaving me.
“It’s a war worth fighting for, Mom. I’m heading back to the house now, promise.”
“I have a better idea. Come to the shed.” Then she hung up before I could turn it down.
Chapter Seven
The sound of fists hitting skin met my ears as I walked into the Psychos’ shed, finding Maddox fighting some guy in the cage. I rolled my eyes when I realized it was Zane Evans, the pair of them covered in blood as they went hit for hit.
“You showed,” Mom said casually as she walked towards me, my eyes sliding to her.
“I didn’t really have a choice. Why’d you want me to stop by? To watch these two meatheads pulverize each other? This is Beckett’s kind of wet dream, not mine,” I muttered, a grin tugging at her lips.
“They’re just playing around. Your temper’s been a little out of hand lately, so I figured you’d like to let off some steam.”
“If you think I’m stupid enough to get in there with them, then you have another thing coming.”
Both Maddox and Zane would beat the fucking hell out of me, and I wasn’t into that.