Page 131 of Prince of Pain

She was even being nice to Luna.

“Ry?” I glanced across the table I was sitting at, meeting Mom’s eyes. “I asked if you know when you’ll be coming home.”

“Yeah, in two months. I was just going to do the sixty day program, but I’ve had a few hard days. I think taking the extra time here is smart. Temp should probably do six months, but she’s been really good with therapy lately. I think she’ll get out in April too,” I replied, a soft smile taking over Mom’s face.

“I’m glad both of you are doing well. Stay as long as you need, okay? If either of you need a little longer, just let me know. Beckett said it went well last week when she visited with Riley. I won’t lie, I was a little worried about it.”

“We’ll get through it, we always do,” I shrugged. “We’re both still mad at each other, but we didn’t fight, which was a good start.”

Riley was the one person holding a grudge. She didn’t believe for a second that Tempest would stay clean, and she didn’t want to see me get dragged down again.

It was a work in progress, but our visit hadn’t been unpleasant, just a little awkward.

I’d had a few therapy sessions where Mom or one of my dads had been present, giving us the opportunity to discuss our feelings in a neutral environment. Skeeter and Caden had both had some frustration to let out about my fight with Mom, and I was kind of glad they could get it out in here before I got home.

Mom, as always, kept reminding me that she’d always forgive me, and that almost made me feel worse. She didn’t deserve to be spoken to like shit, let alone assaulted.

I never wanted to get to that point again, which was what drove me to do better this time.

If either Tempest or I struggled, we were coming straight back here. No exceptions.

I wasn’t risking another relapse.

I did a double take as the patio door opened and Marla walked out, Mom chuckling. “Someone surprised us with a visit. She wanted to come and make sure you were okay.”

I hadn’t seen my baby sister since March last year, and she looked so much older as she walked towards us.

I’d never even gotten to say goodbye when she’d left in June for college since I’d been in here back then too.

“Hey, Ry,” she smiled, and I stood to wrap her in a hug. She made a sound of protest, but I didn’t care.

“How’s Harvard? Did you make a bunch of friends? Do you?—”

Laughter left her as she stepped back, giving me an amused look. “School’s been really good, and yes, I have some friends. I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye, it was selfish.”

She sat beside Mom and filled me in on her classes and housemates, and I loved how excited she was. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen her like this about anything. She’d always been meant for more than what Ashburn Valley could give her.

She’d probably run for president one day, and I wouldn’t be surprised.

Arms draped over my shoulders, and I tilted my head so Tempest could drop a kiss on my neck. She was insanely affectionate, and I was all for it. It wasn’t like before when she was desperate for attention, she just loved touching me.

I couldn’t lie, I really liked it.

“Hey,” she murmured to me, lifting her eyes to Marla. “Marla? Where have you been?”

It was obvious no one had told Marla about my relationship because her eyes slid to mine in question.

I laughed, tugging Tempest onto my lap, ignoring the annoyed growl from Archer close by.

“Baby, Marla went to Harvard. Marla, Tempest is my girlfriend.”

“That sounds like a catastrophe,” Marla said with a wince, making me grimace.

“It was. We’re doing better now though. How long are you here for?”

“Only a few days, I have to get back to classes.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”