Page 129 of Prince of Pain

Ryder: Not for a while. First thirty days are rough because they cut all contact. You’ll be there soon, so at least I’ll have you.

Tempest: You always have me.

He didn’t reply for a few minutes, and I was starting to think he wouldn’t when a message came through.

Ryder: I love you.

Tempest: Even when I’m crazy?

Ryder: Your crazy makes my dick hard. Except for the crazy stunt you pulled with my car. Insurance better get me a new one, or you’ll be paying me back with orgasms. Just saying.

I giggled like one of those gross lovesick girls in movies, biting my lip as I replied.

Tempest: Orgasms work as currency? Damn, what else can I set on fire then? I love you too.

He sent back a middle finger emoji, and I laughed, putting my phone down.

Mom was right, we definitely had a long way to go to heal our relationship, but at least he was willing to try. I didn’t deserve his love, so I was grateful that he hadn’t turned his back on me and was giving me another chance.

Someone knocked on the door and I looked up, not expecting to find Mason there with my father.

“Found someone wandering in the hallway. Call if you need me, I have to head to the docks for something,” Dad said lightly, nudging Mason inside before walking away, leaving us alone.

Mason looked highly uncomfortable, and I couldn’t blame him. We hadn’t spoken since being in the driveway with Ryder’s car on fire behind us, and I wasn’t sure why he’d even shown up.

As far as I knew, he hated me.

“Hey,” I murmured, patting the bed beside me and letting him know I was fine with him being here.

“Hey. Ry said you’re getting out of here in the next few days,” he said carefully as if he wasn’t sure what he was allowed to say. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed, intending on reaching for me but stopping himself at the last second.

I took his hand, giving it a squeeze. “You spoke to Ry?”

“Yeah, I saw him yesterday. He explained what happened.” His fingers tightened in mine, and I smiled, feeling better now that I’d seen him.

Mason wasn’t just some guy I fucked, he’d been a friend, almost.

“I still did the wrong thing,” I said slowly, making him wince.

“Yeah, you did. Channing won’t let you in the house, and Wolfe’s pissed. I wanted to see you though. So, you’re going to rehab?”

I filled him in on everything, probably doubling up on info that he’d already heard from Ryder, but he didn’t complain.

“Can I ask you a question?” I asked quietly, and he nodded, waiting for me to continue. “If I’m not coming to parties or fucking you and the guys, will you still text sometimes? I mean, Ry will probably invite you over for some fun sometimes, but not all the time.”

“We’re friends, Tempest,” he said with amusement, releasing my hand to get comfortable. “But I’m likely to decline the sex offer.”

“What? Why? Are you that mad at me?”

He chuckled. “It’s not a punishment, Temp. If you and Ry want to mess around with other people, you need to find someone who’s not emotionally invested in you. I’m too in love with you to be a third wheel, and the only person I’m hurting is myself. If you and Ry were chasing someone else to be with you, then sure, I’d jump at the chance, but you won’t ever love me how I want you to. Normal friends don’t fuck.”

“I wish I could've loved you too, Mase. I tried, you know? When I had no one before Ry came back, you’re the only person who seemed to care. Thank you.”

He grinned, not being able to help himself as he leaned closer to tuck my hair behind my ear. “Yeah, well. I was hoping you’d fall stupidly in love with me over it, but I guess I set myself up to fail from the beginning with my competition being Donovan.”

“You’re the best, you really are. You’ll make someone so happy one day,” I promised, patting his leg. “So, just friends?”

His face softened and he smiled, holding my gaze. “Yeah, Temp. Just friends.”