I chuckled because who would’ve thought we’d be making porn for a living, but also, who would’ve thought either of us would actually choose to date? I couldn’t lie, knowing she was bothered last night about fucking Wolfe without me being there made me feel good.
Tempest never gave a fuck about anyone or anything, so for her to feel guilty?
She must really love me.
I walked over to the bathroom door and unlocked it, it wasn’t hard, letting myself in.
“I locked that to keep you out,” she huffed from the shower, her hair tied up on top of her head to keep it dry as she scrubbed her skin.
“You need to lower your expectations then. You really thought you could lock me out? I’m a Donovan, Temp. It’s in our nature to break the rules,” I snorted, leaning back against the door frame to watch her. “I think Mase is coming over to play with you. Be nice to him.”
She shut the water off and stepped out, frowning at me. “What for?”
“You’re annoying me so I told Channing it’s Mase’s shift. Fuck him and drown in his cum for all I care.”
“What if I don’t want to fuck him?”
“In what world is that likely? You always want to fuck him.”
“Yeah, before. I’m with you now, Ry. Didn’t you hear me last night? I didn’t like sleeping with Wolfe.” She moved closer, and I tossed her a towel. “I’m happy to mess around with him, but only if you’re there too.”
“I insist, go for it. I’m hoping Mase plays with you all day so I can go and get some peace for a few hours,” I answered as I turned to walk into the living room, but she just followed me, the towel wrapped around her. “Temp, I mean it. I literally don’t give a shit about him touching you.”
“I care. Why won’t you join us?” she demanded, trying to argue while drying herself.
“Fucking you won’t give me peace and quiet.”
“Why are you being such a prick today? Channing needs to hurry up and get you a fix so you’re tolerable again!” she snapped as she stalked after me. “This is why I put molly in your drink that night! You’re insufferable sober!”
I halted, not sure I’d heard her correctly.
She ran into me, taking a step back as I slowly turned to face her. “What did you just say?”
“You’re insufferable!”
“Not that bit,” I gritted out, grabbing her throat and shoving her hard against the closest wall to stop her from escaping me. “What about the molly?” She swallowed, my fingers tightening and making it harder for her to breathe. When she stayed silent, I leaned down until my nose touched hers, my voice low. “You’re the one who spiked my drink at Channing’s?”
“I fixed you,” she said as best as she could, my hand loosening to let her talk as my heart burned in my chest. “You hated being sober, and you were an asshole to me unless you were high, so I put a pill in your drink. You had so much fun, remember? It’s just been you and me since. No one understands us, Ry.”
I punched the wall beside her head, making her flinch as I jerked back before I could break her goddamn nose.
“Eight fucking months,” I said slowly, glaring at her as I continued to put distance between us. “Eight months of hell, and it was all ruined because of you?”
“Ruined? I helped you! You were miserable and angry all the time. You don’t have to feel like that again!”
“You ruined everything!” I shouted, my back hitting the wall across the room as I stared at her. “You think this is fun? Craving a release when you can’t have one? Turning your family against you? Hurting each other?”
“That’s why we just need to stay high! Everything’s fine when we’re high!” she screamed back, moving towards me. “Why can’t you see I made it better?”
“Better? You destroyed everything I’d been working hard to fix! I did four months in rehab, Tempest. I had to fight every day to keep pushing and stay sober because it was what I wanted. Why the fuck did you think you had the right to take that away from me?”
“I lost you!” She was crying now, panic lining her face as she grabbed the front of my shirt, her towel falling to the floor. “The only person who ever understood me was you! How many nights did we spend together when no one else wanted us?”
“You mean the nights that I had to make sure you didn’t off yourself because you were so drug fucked that you couldn’t think straight? Those nights? I’m glad you found them fun, but they weren’t.”
“No! When we both?—”
“I remember multiple nights where I was so high I fucked you while you were passed out. Watched other guys run a train through you when your eyes were rolling back in your head, and you barely knew your own name. Did you enjoy the days where we’d fight to the point we’d hit each other?” I growled, shoving her back. “Don’t touch me.”