Page 114 of Prince of Pain

We walked inside, and I hated how they looked at the mess with worry, just like Marco had done.

“It was clean until Tempest threw a tantrum yesterday. Wait, on Sunday. We slept through yesterday,” I said out loud as I tried to remember, and Beckett frowned at me.

“Marco said he cleaned up.”

“He did. Then Tempest had a tantrum,” I repeated as if she hadn’t heard me.

“Where is she?” Maddox asked just as Tempest heaved again from the bathroom.

“Temporarily regretting her life choices,” I said dryly, hearing the toilet flush.

Tempest appeared in the doorway, looking like death warmed up. “I need coffee.”

“On it,” I answered with an amused smile as she wandered into the kitchen and sat at the table, resting her arms on it like a pillow for her head as she closed her eyes.

The flashy coffee machine was her pride and joy. As much as I’d given her shit for spending the money on it when we were rationed, I had to admit that it made good coffee.

Beckett and the guys watched me make her what I hoped was a good latte, then I placed it in front of her and ran my fingers through her tangled hair that was still in the messy ponytail I’d put it in.

“Hey, drink that and have a shower. You’ll feel better.”

“‘Kay,” she groaned, sitting up to sip the coffee, and since she didn’t throw it, I assumed I’d made it right.

I left her at the table to wake up properly, motioning for the others to join me in the living room, where they sat on the couch, and I sat on the floor in front of the coffee table opposite them, lighting a cigarette and tossing the packet on the table.

Jett moved to sit on the floor with me, a big grin on his face. “Are you ever going to come out of the house again? The only time I’ve seen you recently is when a sex tape leaks.”

“The only new sex tapes are ones people have to pay for,” I said with a snort, flicking my eyes at Beckett before looking at him again. “Did you subscribe to mine or Tempest’s Onlyfans?”

“That’s not a joke?” Maddox chuckled, eyeing me. “You’re really doing porn?”

“Tempest has a promising career in choking on dick. As her boyfriend, it’s only fair I support her and help where I can. Which means I had to make an account to verify shit since I’m in her videos,” I smirked, making him laugh.

I caught them up on everything we’d been doing, not giving a shit when Beckett faked a gag. I had to put up with her and Maddox banging while the world accused them of incest, so the least she could do was tolerate the conversation.

Offering to show either of the guys would earn all three of us a stab wound from Beckett, so I didn’t risk it.

I missed being able to share things like that with both the guys, they’d been my best friends for so long, and now I had to worry about upsetting Beckett for showing them a random nude on the internet.

Beckett and Maddox filled me in on their trip to jail, and Tempest padded in to steal a cigarette, dropping down onto my lap when I held out an arm for her.

She got comfortable, and I noticed Beckett studying us. My sister would probably never get along with Tempest, too much had happened since we hit high school, but she wasn’t picking a fight with her, which was a good start.

“I’m surprised either of you settled down,” she finally stated, and Tempest scoffed, staring at her in challenge.

“We didn’t. We still fuck other people.”

That annoyed Beckett as if it was all Tempest’s idea, her eyes sliding to mine, and I shrugged. “It works. Who gives a shit. You wanted to fuck two people, and we didn’t want limitations.”

Maddox seemed to understand, nodding as he leaned back on the couch and put an arm up for Beckett to curl into his side. “It suits you guys. I get it, I like watching Jett fuck Beckett. It’s hot.”

“Ew, dude,” I groaned, and he grinned.

“Sorry. I forgot she’s your sister.”

“You also forgot somewhere in the past year that she’s your sister too, apparently.”

He flipped me off, and Beckett scowled, but Jett laughed, taking my side. “Trust me, I don’t let him forget about it.”