“You don’t care?”
“No. I’m worried about you both for not looking after yourselves, but at least the porn is legal,” he said dryly, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Maybe tone down the volume though. I’ve had calls from the neighbors worried about you two, and Arch is a little freaked out about this morning.”
Tempest scoffed, putting her food down to grab the glass of coke in front of her. “He’s an asshole. Why’s he freaked out? He’s the idiot who stormed in here and shot Ry for no reason.”
“Your father walked into a place he thought you were safe, finding ice pipes, trash everywhere, and what he thought was you getting raped. Of course he’s freaked out,” Marco said flatly. “I did warn him that knocking probably would’ve been a good idea. Lopez said he stopped by to stitch you up.”
“I wasn’t about to ask you fuckers to do it. I’m not asking you for anything ever again,” I snapped, and he put his hand up to calm me.
“Not fighting about it. I’m happy as long as someone looked at it.”
“I don’t particularly give a shit if you’re happy or not.”
“Beckett and Maddox are getting out tomorrow.”
That made me pause, a sense of relief hitting me. “They are?”
“Yeah. A bunch of evidence went missing. BG’s suspension is possibly being lifted soon too. They’re fighting to keep everyone in there, but without their case, there’s not much they can do. Without evidence, there’s nothing they have that can stand up in court to officially sentence them. They’re dragging their feet with everyone else, but Rage is throwing a fit about it, so hopefully, Zane and Sniper get released soon, then we just have to work on Skeet, Hunter, and Ty. They’re doing okay, they just want Maddox and Beckett out.”
“What happened to the evidence?”
“I’m not sure. Whoever stole the evidence hacked the security and erased their footsteps,” he grinned, and I knew straight away it had been the Night Thieves. Only they’d be able to hack police security like that and rob the evidence room.
“How’s Mom?” I asked offhandedly, shoveling a mouthful of food in as if to cover up the question.
Was I mad? Yes. Was this conversation filling me with guilt? Absolutely.
I hated the whiplash of emotions from drugs, it was one of the other worst parts about it.
I could go from wanting to murder my entire family over a petty comment, to drowning in regret.
Marco smiled. “She’s worrying about you and everyone else, as usual. Maybe send her a text just to say you’re okay.” From the look on my face, he knew I wasn’t going to do that, so he sighed. “Or don’t. It’s up to you, I won’t force you. She loves you, and she’s there when you’re ready to talk to her.”
“I don’t want to fucking talk to her.”
“Okay,” he said calmly, glancing at Tempest. “Are you able to text your mom or dad?”
Tempest snorted, pushing what was left of her food aside.
“Why bother? Dad’s seen me, and Mom doesn’t give a fuck. She’s probably happy now she only has Luna.”
“She loves you.”
“No, she fucking doesn’t!” Tempest snapped, grabbing what was left of her food and launching it at him. He barely blinked as it hit him, bits of noodle sticking to his shirt. “She only gives a fuck about Luna and Dad. They’re the perfect family without me! They tossed me out on the street with nothing!”
She reached for her glass to throw it, but I snagged her wrist tightly, making her cry out as she dropped it. “Stop fucking throwing shit before I snap your goddamn fingers and make you fuck yourself with them,” I warned, her free hand not even hesitating to swing out and smack me in the side of the head. I released her, backhanding her, which only made her even more pissed off as she swung at me again, missing this time.
“Hey, enough,” Marco snapped, getting to his feet to get between us before my next hit could connect, and I didn’t bother to say anything else before storming to the bedroom to lock myself inside.
He could let himself out, and Tempest could sleep on the fucking couch for all I cared.
She argued with him for a while until I heard his car leave, then she resorted to pounding on the bedroom door for over an hour before going silent.
Finally, I could fucking sleep.
Chapter Twenty