Page 111 of Prince of Pain


My arm was killing me, and all the fucking probably wasn’t helping.

It was the worst thing about drugs, they eventually wore off, and you had to take more to numb it again.

We were almost asleep when there was a knock at the door. I tried ignoring it, but they knocked again, making me scowl as I managed to get to my feet and stumble towards the door.

I opened it to find Marco standing on the other side, his foot jutting out to stop me from shutting the door in his face.

“Just checking on you, then I’ll leave,” he murmured, pity in his gaze as he assessed me. Well, I assumed it was pity. I was struggling to focus on him, so it was hard to tell.

“You’ve checked,” I grunted, annoyed when he pushed past me to step into the house. “Can you go?”

“I will in a minute,” he answered, looking around the room slowly. “I’m not here to fight with you.”

“Yeah, you are,” I said defensively as I followed him through to the living room, dropping down onto the couch. “I was in bed, so hurry up and yell at me. I’m tired.”

“When did you sleep last?”

“I don’t know. Thursday, maybe.”

“Ry, it’s Sunday,” he sighed, eyeing the ice pipe and empty beer bottles on the coffee table. “When did you eat?”

I smirked. “About an hour ago. I’m on a pussy diet.”

Tempest appeared in the doorway in nothing but her panties, yawning. “Who’s here?”

“Dad. Put your tits away.”

She seemed to wake up more, running her eyes over Marco with a grin. “Oh, and it’s the hot one.”

“I don’t care who you fuck, but don’t fuck my dads,” I groaned, earning a dirty look from Marco.

“None of us are interested, I can promise you that. Tempest, put some clothes on.”

“Give me a hundred bucks and you can take her for a ride, I guess. Fucking the same pussy for so many years is probably boring as hell. I won’t tell Mom,” I said with a shrug, glaring at him as he swatted me. “The fuck?”

“Don’t be so disrespectful. I want to see you two eat something. What do you want?”

“I’m not hungry.”

“I don’t care. I’ll either cook something or order something.”

I stared at him for a few seconds before looking back over at Tempest. “Put a shirt on. What do you want to eat?”

“Chinese,” she said without missing a beat, turning to head back into the bedroom.

Marco put in an order when I told him what to buy, then he grabbed a garbage bag from the kitchen and started cleaning up.

By the time the food arrived, the coffee table was clean, the clothes all over the floor were in the laundry, and any other trash lying around was picked up and thrown out too.

All three of us sat on the couch with Chinese containers on our laps, and I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I started eating.

“I hear you’re working,” Marco finally said after we’d been eating in peace for a while. “Porn?”

I shrugged, motioning to Tempest with my fork. “She’s a whore, and I like to fuck. Thought it was a good career choice.”

“I don’t care what path you take, as long as you’re on one,” he answered, surprising me slightly.