Page 109 of Prince of Pain

“What kind of situation?” He sounded annoyed, but he laughed when Ryder replied.

“Temp and I were messing around with some role play stuff, and her father walked in and thought I was forcing myself on her. I currently have a bullet in my arm that I need help getting out.”

“Archer shot you? That’s fucking hilarious! You two are kinky. Yo, Zav! Feel like digging a bullet out of Ryder? Tempest’s dad finally shot him.”

There were muffled sounds before Zavier’s voice came through, amusement lining his tone. “You got shot? Where are you?”

“Border of Ashburn and Blackwater. I’ll text you the address. Bring a medical kit,” Ryder grumbled, hanging up when they started laughing. “Fucking assholes.”

He texted the address through while I found a bandage for his arm, it would have to do until they arrived, then we moved into the living room and sat on the couch to wait.

I looked out the window and saw that Dad’s car was still parked outside, and he seemed to be talking to someone on the phone in the driver’s seat.

“Might want to text one of your parents to tell them you’re fine. I bet they show up soon otherwise,” I said dryly just as his phone started ringing from the coffee table in front of us.

He glared at it for a moment before answering, his voice blunt. “I’m fine. No, I don’t need help. Zavier is coming over to handle it. I’m not two, I don’t fucking need your help.”

They argued for a few more minutes before Ryder hung up, irritation seeping out of him. We’d been having a good day, but that was now ruined.

It didn’t take long for the matte black Challenger to pull up outside, and I rolled my eyes when Zavier and Logan stopped to talk to Dad.

Too bad if Ryder was in serious need of medical assistance because no one seemed to be in a fucking hurry.

The door finally opened and the guys walked in, Logan’s eyes instantly falling to my pussy that was most likely on display since I was sitting with my legs open. “You’re really trying to convince me, aren’t you?”

“I’m cooling it down. Pretty sure I’ve got friction burn,” I joked, cracking him up as he dropped down beside me so Zavier could deal with Ryder.

“You two can’t out fuck each other, one of you will end up dying of dehydration or exhaustion before that happens,” he said, his eyes moving around the room. “I thought girls were meant to be clean? This house is a mess.”

“We’ve been busy.”

“Filming porn? I know. You’re the talk of the town, as usual.”

“Good, I hope everyone tells their friends and subscribes,” I grinned. “Why haven’t you subbed yet?”

“I know you’re used to having rich dudes around, but we’re trying to find the money for food to eat, Temp. I’m not paying for porn when it’s free all over the internet,” he deadpanned.

“Make that rich friend of yours pay for it.”

“Who? Ander? We haven’t heard from him since he left town a couple of months ago,” Logan shrugged, but Zavier glanced over and gave me a dirty look.

“We don’t like using our friends like that. I know you don’t give a shit, but we do. Ander wouldn’t pay for your amateur porn even if he was still around.”

“He’s missing out then.”

“I bet he’s devastated,” Zavier scoffed, motioning for Ryder to get to his feet. “Bathroom. This is going to hurt, man.”

“I can handle it just fine,” Ryder muttered, leading him to the bathroom and leaving me to occupy Logan.

“So. Want me to blow you or something?” I offered, and Logan snickered.

“Not particularly. You reek like a bar, you’d probably throw up all over me.”

“I won’t.”

“Look, you’re a fun fuck, but you’re not the type I play with multiple times. No offense, you’ve got a good pussy and give good head, but I just don’t want it again.”

“That’s a shame. I’d definitely fuck you again,” I cooed, reaching out to run a long nail down his chest. “How about Reid?”