Page 104 of Prince of Pain

“You want to get high and fuck?” she asked after a few minutes of silence.

My high had worn off so I was up for that idea, but the hard part would be finding the damn drugs since it was obvious Mason and the guys were ignoring us.

I reached for her and tugged her into my lap, her arms threading around my neck as she straddled me. “Do you have anything on you, or do we need to go and find some?”

“I don’t have anything. We used it all at the party we threw.”

“One of the guys need to answer their fucking phones,” I grunted, sliding mine from my pocket to try calling Channing again, perking up when it started ringing.

“You’re giving me stalker vibes, dude,” he said as his greeting when he answered.

“Do none of you answer phones anymore? Could’ve done with your help yesterday.”

“We were busy. What do you want?” A lighter clicked as he obviously lit a cigarette, and I could hear chatter in the background.

He was having a party again.

“Long story, but I got dragged home yesterday, and Temp had nowhere to go, but it’s fine now. I got kicked out into my own house, so she’s with me. Can we swing by for a few things?”

“Do you have money?”


“Then I’ll see you soon,” he replied before hanging up, making Tempest grin.

“He’s home?”

“Yeah. Let’s go get some cash out. I think we should get all of it out, to be honest. I wouldn’t put it past Mom to get the Night Thieves to hack your bank and take it away,” I said dryly, taking her ass in my hands and giving it a firm squeeze. “The sooner we get the shit from Chan, the sooner we can come back here and fuck.”

“Are you going to use your knife on me this time?” she asked, leaning closer to kiss my jaw. “I’d really like you to.”

“You want to bleed for me, baby?” I chuckled, loving how she shuddered. Her lips found mine and I groaned, her pussy grinding against my hardening cock. “Temp. We need to go.”

“Can’t we fuck first?” she grumbled as she leaned back.

“Once I get you naked, you won’t be walking for the rest of the day,” I smirked, swatting her ass to encourage her to get up.

She got to her feet and helped me to mine, her voice softening. “Do you want to talk more about your parents?”

“No. I’m not wasting energy on them. They’ll probably just give Noah my room and replace me,” I scoffed, holding out my hand for her keys. She dropped them into my palm without argument, and we locked the house before heading to the bank and then driving towards Blackwater.

Tempest fucked around with the music the entire way while taking selfies and ignoring countless calls from her father, driving me absolutely insane until we arrived.

Mason appeared beside Tempest’s door instantly, a worried look on his face as she opened it. “Hey. Sorry. My phone’s been off, are you okay?”

She rolled her eyes, letting him take her hand to help her out. “I’m fine now. The Donovans showed up and dragged Ry home yesterday, and I was trying to find somewhere to go.”

“Chan said you got kicked out?” Mason asked as he glanced over at me as I stood. “Why?”

“Because they’re selfish assholes. Fine by me though, I don’t have to deal with them anymore,” I answered, shutting the door. “We’re just stopping by to pick up some supplies.”

“What are you chasing?”

“I’m thinking crystal.”

Tempest looked at me with surprise. “Really? I thought you hated it?”

“I’m not a fan of coming down from it, but it’s a good high,” I shrugged, returning my gaze to Mason. “So, can you guys hook me up?”