“What are you going to do?”
“Well, my parents sent me to live in my own place, so do you want to come check it out with me?” I offered, and there was a pause before she replied.
“You got your own place?”
“Yeah. They’re not banning anyone, so come stay with me. At least we’ll have privacy,” I grinned, focusing on the positives. “I’ll send you the address.”
“I have nothing else to do, and Mason still won’t answer his phone.”
“Fuck him. We don’t need him,” I chuckled, texting with one finger to send her the address. “Sent you the address. You still have some money, right?”
“Yeah, a bit. Why?”
“I have nothing. Mom canceled my cards, so I guess you're buying the beer tonight. Well, I guess it was my money to begin with, but close enough.”
She laughed, the sound of her car starting. “Only if you put out for me.”
“Deal. See you soon,” I replied before hanging up, putting my music on instead.
Was I in the best mood to deal with Tempest? No. But she had money and pussy so I’d get over it and learn real fast to tolerate it.
The street the address took me to was pretty quiet but not formal. A few people hung around one house smoking with beer in their hands, another had people working on their cars in the front yard.
I parked in the driveway and switched off the engine, climbing out with the key in hand to unlock the door. The house smelled freshly cleaned, and the furniture looked pretty new.
I went back to the car to unload my things, making sure to lock it before heading back into the house to dump my bags.
I’d just finished looking around and was unpacking when I heard Tempest’s car stop out front.
“Ry?” she called out, and I wandered out to find her standing in the doorway with a handbag over her arm and nothing else in her hands. “Can you help me unload the car?”
“You’d think with all the cocks you give handies to that you’d have better arm strength,” I joked, walking outside to help.
“You’d think with all the girls you’ve fucked you’d have better abs,” she said without missing a beat, tilting her head. “Why’d they kick you out?”
“I punched Mom. And smoked some crystal. They’re a little pissed,” I deadpanned, and she let out a low whistle.
“You hit your mom and lived?”
“What? Are you the only one allowed to throw hands at your parents?”
“No. I’m just surprised.”
I grunted but didn’t reply, hauling her bags into the main bedroom and dumping them on the floor. “You can have that half of the closet. Do not invade my side.”
“I need more space than that!” she whined, earning a dirty look from me.
“It’s got more space than the back seat of your car. You’re lucky I’m even offering to share it with you.”
“You only want me here because I have money.”
“How the tables have turned,” I snorted, pointing at the bags. “I’m not unpacking it all for you.”
She huffed but sat on the floor to open her bags, both of us sorting through our things until everything had a place in the closet, and we ended up sitting on the couch once we were done.