Page 100 of Prince of Pain

“He trashed his room and found some crystal he’d stashed before rehab. I went outside to get Noah because they were smoking cigarettes together, and that’s when I realized Ry was high.”

“Did you offer anything else to him?” she asked me calmly, but I could tell she was ready to blow the fuck up.

“Absolutely not. That was my meth, the little fucker can find his own,” I answered, the smile falling from my face when she replied.

“I hope you enjoyed it then. Your credit cards have been canceled.”

“Wait, what?” I snapped, pushing Diesel back when he tried to stop me from getting in Mom’s face. As usual, she stared me down, despite me standing over her.

“I’m so glad you and Tempest had a fun week having parties and shopping sprees, but I’ve had enough. Everything you need you can ask me for directly. Your car will be tracked, you can eat here with us every night, and when you need things like cigarettes or clothes, you can ask me, and I’ll get them for you. I’m not punishing you, I’m just taking control of your money like I should have a long time ago. Anything you need, you can still have, but only because you ask me for it. Understand?”

“Are you fucking joking?”

“Am I laughing?” she asked, fury ripping through me. This wasn’t because of me. This was because she wanted the money for her new kids. The ones she could try not to fuck up with this time.

“You think you can fix me?” I shouted, my chest bumping against hers, but she didn’t move an inch. “I wouldn’t need fixing if you hadn’t fucked me up! Where is everyone, hmm? Beckett and Maddox are in fucking jail. Marla literally ran away to get the fuck away from this family, and I’m an addict! Riley’s a fucking psycho with a bat, Mikey and Angel only hang around for gossip or work, and Lloyd probably crashed his fucking car and died on purpose to get the fuck away from you!”

“Ryder!” Diesel bit out, but Mom put her hand up to stop him.

“Let him get it out.”

“You want me to keep talking? My memories are filled with family members being shot at or in prison. We all stick together out of family loyalty, but it’s just a facade. This family is bullshit. You know that though, don’t you? That’s why you keep bringing in new kids to try and start again. You don’t care about us now that we’re adults, and we all know you never wanted kids to begin with. Good role modeling, Mom. Teaching us to just do what other people want so they’ll stay. You’re the worst fucking Mom.”

My words stung. She was hiding it, but not completely.

“Are you done?” she asked.

“Fix my fucking cards.”


“Fix them!” I shouted in her face, but she still didn’t budge.

“You need a reality check and another visit in rehab. Until I start seeing progress, no, I won’t fix your credit cards.”

Everyone seemed to move at once.

My fist swung out and caught her cheek. Someone stepped between us, and someone else yanked me back to restrain me. All I felt was violence, spiteful words spilling from my mouth as I struggled against whoever held me.

“Touch your mother again, I dare you,” Caden spat in my ear, tightening his hold on me. I kicked at him to try and escape, but he didn’t let go. “Stop it!”

Diesel was inspecting Mom’s cheek, but she just stared at me blankly. I couldn’t tell if she was pissed or upset.

“Fuck you,” I said sharply, glaring at her. “Don’t bother crying about it when all your kids end up dead by either their own hand or the enemy’s. We all will, and you know it. Fuck you.”

“Enough,” Caden warned, starting to drag me back and making me realize we had a bigger audience than I thought.

Slash walked right past me to check on Mom, Jensen and Lukas stood back eyeing me, and Marco shook his head and walked out. Probably to stop himself from punching me and making it worse.

“If I let you go, will you walk quietly up to your bedroom?” Caden asked sternly, waiting for me to nod before releasing his grip. I stepped away from him, a bitter laugh leaving me.

“I love how you guys spend all your time and effort on other people’s kids but aren’t home enough to look after your own. You want to take in more? Tough shit. No one’s going to give you kids to look after when one of your own is a loose cannon. Next time you bring kids here, I’ll make sure you don’t get the opportunity to do it again. Now, fix my fucking money.” I stalked upstairs, almost running into Noah as he tried retreating back to his room unseen. “Hey, Noah! Enjoy the cushy bullshit while you can, man! You’ll be gone before you know it!”

He darted inside and locked the door as if that would keep me out if I wanted to get in, and I shut myself in my own room, slamming the door behind me.

And then I tipped my bedroom upside down again until the rage subsided and I was a sweaty mess, sitting on the floor with my head in my hands.
