Our families expect it.

Our kind expects it.

I’m jolted from my thoughts by the sound of keys jingling outside of my door. Sitting up, I shuffle up the bed and lean against the rusty metal frame that extends from the base and up the wall.

The door flies open, its heavy wood slamming against the wall of the chambers, and from the shadows, Kai steps into my given space carrying a tray with a sparse plate of food and a glass of what appears to be water.

“Hi,” he grins, jutting his leg backward to use the sole of his boot to close the door behind him. He brings the tray to my bed and sets it down as I blow out a breath.

“You scared me half to death,” I scold, but it’s overpowered by the growl of my stomach when the scent of the food hits it.

“Sorry,” he chuckles. “Brought you dinner. Bread’s a little stale and the soup’s probably cold, but it was the best I could do. Captain said not to feed the whores, but I swiped it when the shifts rotated. I wanted to come yesterday, Hali, but I couldn’t… I’m so sorry.”

Reaching for the bread, I rip a piece off with my teeth and chew slowly, processing Kai’s words. “What do you mean, the captain said not to feed the whores?”

His shoulder shrugs. “I don’t know, Hals, that’s just what I was told by the guy in charge of me. I suspect they think a hungry whore will do anything.” He pushes the tray toward me, his face twisting with disdain. “All I know is I wasn’t going to let you starve, so here I am.”

Lifting the bowl, I sip the soup. He was right—it is cold, and instead of it warming my insides, it sends a chill through my bones. But food is food, and after so long of not eating, I’m famished and will happily consume every last drop.

Kai must assume my chill is from the air, because he stands and goes to close the porthole. With his back to me, he asks, “Did he come for you?”

“No,” I say before taking another gulp of the soup. “I expected him to, but he hasn’t.”

“Word on the ship has spread quickly of him taking a whore to his quarters two nights ago for dinner. The men are curious—I wonder if that is why he hasn’t come for you.”

“To avoid their attention?”

“More like a riot.”

Shrugging, I rip the bread apart with my teeth.

“I fear you’re in danger, Hals. The men who haven’t caught a glimpse of you are desperate to. I can’t protect you if I’m not with you.”

“I’ll be alright. I can take care of myself, Kai. You know this.”

He sits on my bed and takes the bowl from my grasp, placing it on the tray. His hands cup my face, his thumbs brushing rhythmically over my cheekbones. “I do, but I also know what men like the ones on this ship are capable of. And you don’t have your magic right now, Hali.”

“I’ll be fine,” I stress, but even as I say the words, a ripple of doubt trickles through me, starting in my chest and blooming outward. “My magic is cresting. I can feel it, Kai. The shift is close.”

“We only have some hours left. Are you ready?” Excitement dances in Kai’s eyes, and his hands float down to my shoulders, kneading them lightly.

“Beyond ready. I can’t wait for us to be off this ship and back in the ocean. That's all I’ve been thinking of today.”

I’m acutely aware of Kai’s fingers trailing down my body, moving torturously slow. My heart rate quickens, my tongue pokes out to wet my lips and his eyes lock on the movement.

“I just can’t get enough of you,” Kai groans, gripping my thigh punishingly as he takes my mouth with his.

Wasting no time, he pushes my undergarments down my thighs and plunges two fingers into my depths. I’m already soaked for his touch, and they glide in without any resistance. He groans again. “Fuck, Hals. After all these years, you’ve never not been ready for me. Such a good fucking girl for me. You love it when I stroke you from the inside, don’t you?”

He repositions his hand, so the edge of his hand rubs against the sensitive bundle of nerves as he drives his fingers into me.

“Yes,” I moan, tipping my head back. My legs spread wider. “Please, Kai. I need you inside me.”

“With pleasure,” he groans, using his free hand to push his trousers down so his length springs free. With his body, he urges me to lie back. In one thrust, he’s inside me, and we’re moving in unison.

“Goddess,” he groans, and I slam my palm over his mouth.
