Page 52 of Borden 3

“Because we’re dealing with a man that can seemingly walk through walls.” He took another chomp of his apple. “I ain’t having that under my watch.”

I paused, thinking. “You’re expecting Theo to seek me out?”

“He already did it at the charity. Borden ain’t having a repeat of that.” Hector paused, thinking. “I followed him closely, zigzagging down those alleyways, and he just…”

I hesitated. “Have you found out how he does it?”

“Does what?”

I looked at him dryly. "Have you figured out how he disappears?”

“No.” He cocked his head to the side, curious. “Have you?”

I scoffed. “Theo will die with that secret.”

“What, he wouldn’t even tell you?”

“We weren’t that close,” I lied.

But Hector smiled, all teeth. “No wonder Borden wants to find this man. If his own wife can’t tell a lie with a straight face, I’d be shitting bricks too.”

I said nothing.

Looking down, I was painfully aware he was studying me.

“Everyone is allowed to lie, you know,” he added next, softly. “But sometimes lies are bad for our health. And that man? There’s something very unhealthy about him, sweets.”

I looked at him, and my face cracked. “Yeah.”

His expression relaxed. “Yeah.”

He finished off his apple, and this time his company wasn’t so cumbersome.

I finished plugging hours. I was so tired. I could have fallen asleep in my very chair, but then I’d just have more nightmares, more “boo” moments where I felt like someone was in the same room as me.

You know who you think is in the same room as you.

I breathed deeply to fight the tremors down my spine. I glanced at Hector. I didn’t want to talk to the guy. Not really. But I couldn’t help but ask, “What is your order if Theo were to magically appear right now?”

“Apprehend him,” he answered swiftly, eyes still focused on his screen. His dummy phone was on the desk facedown. He didn’t even seem interested in the question or the randomness of it. Okay, so he was easy to talk to as well.

“He’s a tough guy.”

“Sweets, I used to be a biker. I’ve fought some shit in my day. After Hawke retook his position as Prez, the shit we had to fucking do…” He paused, looking away from the phone for a moment, his eyes glazed back. Then he seemingly shook it off. “Anyway, I’d apprehend him.”


He finally looked at me. “Then it’s up to Borden what happens to him.”

I tried not to think about what Borden might do. I’d already seen the crazed, possessive look in his face when he’d demanded information about him. The fact I didn’t offer much just fuelled his rage. I didn’t blame my husband, but talking about Theo—even acknowledging his existence after what went down—was traumatic.

I quickly finished up work, determined to talk to my husband. To make sure we were okay.

It was on the drive home when Hector’s dummy phone buzzed. Shit. With dread in my stomach, I watched him take the call. He nearly lost his footing on the brakes. He pulled over to the side of the street and listened intently, his hand clenching the steering wheel.

“I’m on the way,” he said and then hung up with an angry, “Fuck!”

“What?” I asked, my anxiety through the roof.