Page 32 of Borden 3

Chapter Eleven


He studied her when she didn’t think he was watching. Emma had become a bit of an enigma this past year. Borden liked to chalk it up to being a mother. Lincoln was full on at first, but he felt he had become tamer. At four, Link was well-behaved. He had his fair share of meltdowns, but he was easy to soothe. According to Emma’s grandmother, he was better than most.

Borden knew fuck all to do with kids before Lincoln came into the world. Kids had never been on his radar. Ever. The fuck could he do with them? He had filthy hands. He’d killed with those filthy hands, and he was supposed to use them to gently keep an 8 pound baby alive?

Of course, it was as simple as laying eyes on his goddamn kid for the first time four years ago to realise his doubts were completely unfounded. The second Link was placed in his hands, he’d looked at his little dude and said, “Fuck yeah, you’re mine.” He may have startled a nurse or two, but he didn’t give a fuck.

The rest was history.

And now he was dressed in a black suit, sitting on the fucking floor putting together a zoo puzzle with Link. Borden was in his mid-thirties and he couldn’t get the fucking giraffe pieces to fit right. He spun the giraffe head around, hoping Link would notice. He sat on the train track rug cross-legged—very fucking impressive—with a concentrated look on his face. He put most of the giraffe together and said, “Why haven’t you put your piece down, daddy?”

Borden didn’t know how much utter bullshit he’d have to spew in life until he became a father. “Waiting for you to put it together, bud. Did you think I’d just do it for you?”

Link’s brows came together as he shot Borden a what the fuck expression. “Daddy, I’m an expert at puzzles.”

“One can’t be too sure.”

Link snatched the giraffe head out of Borden’s hand and began to fit it. The sound of high heels interrupted Borden’s thoughts. His attention drifted to the staircase, and his heart stuttered in his chest at the sight of Emma walking down them in her tight-as-fuck white dress. Jesus, the dress had that cut down the middle, and her tits were teasing and he was going to be inside that tonight.

“You look beautiful,” her granny said, trailing behind her. “Remember to smile, Emma.”

Why did she have to remind Emma to smile? Emma was always smiling.

Wasn’t she?

Frowning, Borden didn’t go to her immediately. He pretended to be distracted by the puzzle, but his attention was on his doll as she walked across the house. “I’ll smile, Granny,” she assured her, though her voice sounded tired. “Don’t worry about me.”

He ruffled Link’s hair and stood up. “Do it all over again,” he told him, keeping him distracted so he could have a minute alone with Emma. He passed Darlene by the staircase. The withered old thing seemed concerned. He didn’t say anything to her, but they locked eyes. He simply nodded once, assuring her he would take care of Emma. Darlene went to be with Link, her movements slower than usual. She seemed to be limping from one side, like her hip was out. Borden made a mental note of that, in case Emma was concerned for her.

She was in the kitchen when he approached her. Fuck, she was beautiful. She was taking a sip out of a bottle of water. Her hair was done up high, and her make-up made her cheekbones look like they could cut steel. When she turned to look at him, her face softened, and it was that warm look she shot him that really did it for him.

He stopped in front of her and shoved his hands in his pockets. He raised his brows, giving her a dramatic look as he scanned her body up and down, whistling. “The fuck you wearing, Doll?”

Her lips perked up. She placed the water bottle down on the marble island. “Don’t like it?”

“No, I fucking love it,” he returned, that cheeky humour present when he appraised her again. “You know I’m a real fan of all your lingerie, but what the fuck are you doing wearing it around the house with your granny around the corner? Shocked she didn’t beat you with her bible.”

She was already laughing halfway through his words. He grinned, closing the gap between them to wrap his arms around her. Even in her heels, he towered over her, and she had to crane her head up to look at him. “You want me to act out, don’t you?” he murmured. “Break skulls all over that venue tonight when those old geezers stare at what’s mine.”

“There will be none of that,” she replied, resting a hand on his chest. “You’ll be a gentleman.”

“Then you should have dressed like a lady.”

She let out a scoff, like the word was amusing to her. “I am no lady, Borden.”

She was rough around the edges and would not blend in, she meant. Borden wanted to tell her that was what he loved the most about her.

He gripped her chin, forcing her to look back at him. “You’re my lady.”

She stared into his eyes for a few moments, glowing with love for him. Fuck, he loved to be in her sights. “There’s nowhere else I want to be,” she whispered.

He dropped his head and kissed her gently, though every bit of him urged to throw her over his shoulder, march back into their bedroom, and fuck the night away. It was tempting. Link was looked after. They could be loud, too. The house was so fucking big, her screams would be swallowed up as he mercilessly delivered the fuck of her life.

But charities and shit—they made Emma happy. He could suffer a hard dick for the next couple hours, no worries.
