Page 14 of Borden 3

Fucking hell.


Right on fucking time, his four year old shoved past Granny and landed into Borden’s arms. And just like that, a burst of feeling tore through Borden. He picked Link up quickly, swinging him around like a ride. Link laughed. Even through Granny’s scowl, Borden caught the slight smile poking around the edges. Borden’s chest tightened as the waft of his son’s scent flooded him. His warmth and his tiny limbs. His innocent eyes as they gazed up at his father with pure delight.

“Guess where we’re going,” Borden said, keeping his tone light, though he heard the faintest tremor in it.


“Ice cream.”

“Now?” Granny cut in. “He’s got dinner—”

“Say bye to Granny.”

Link practically forgot about her existence as he shouted. “Bye, Granny! I want chocolate with oreos, Dad.”

Borden ran a hand through Link’s hair. “We can do that.”

“And some sprinkles.”

“Whatever you want—”

“Daddy, you need a bandaid.”


Link grabbed at Borden’s hand, frowning. “You’re bleeding.”

Borden ignored Granny’s stiffening form. She knew it wasn’t Borden’s blood. Borden looked down at his fist, feeling a strange tightening in his throat he’d never felt before. Still holding Link, he shoved that hand into his pocket. “You’re right. I’ll put a bandaid on it.”

“What happened?”

Borden glanced at Darlene. Remembering her words, he leaned in close to her and whispered, “I can’t be the only one with secrets, can I, Darlene?”

Through her disapproving eyes, there was a sudden wariness there. Borden walked down the path to the car, answering, “Just a small accident, buddy. Nothing big. How hungry are you for that ice cream?”

“Hungrier than a hippo.”

“Do you think hippos like ice cream?”


“Why not?”

“Because they’re animals.”

“You can make ice cream out of hippo milk, can’t you?”

As Borden fastened him in the booster seat next to his seat, Link shot him a disgusted look. “Gross, Daddy.”

Within minutes, they were on the road. Even with Link in the seat next to him, Borden didn’t feel settled until Hector texted him.

I’m at the house. Emma’s in the kitchen, cooking green leafy shit. Smells like a hippy took a dump in here.

Borden’s shoulders relaxed. Like Hawke, he could trust Hector with Emma’s life. Hector had come a long way from that vulgar cunt he was a long time ago. Fucker just needed to be out of that club to figure his shit out.

“Did you know dogs like ice cream?” he asked Link next, a smirk forming along his lips.