Screams erupted suddenly. Kids clamoured. I got bumped into a chest and then knocked to the floor. Strong hands grabbed me, hauling me up and into Theo’s chest.
“Shit,” he said, but his voice drowned in the sounds of panicked screams.
Oh, no.
Theo gripped me tightly. He manoeuvred through the crowd of kids. Elbows shoved into my sides. Theo shoved them back, growling out curses. There was no way we weren’t going to get caught. My heart sat in my throat as I thought of Granny and going home in a police car yet again.
Theo’s grip suddenly slipped from my arm. I twisted my head back. “Theo?”
I couldn’t see him. So many of us were scurrying through a single door exit. I couldn’t turn back. I was shoved forward, practically forced through the door. We burst out of there, flooding an alleyway as police sirens blared from closeby. I had to shield my eyes from the intense red and blue lights as they danced back and forth at us.
I tried to turn around, but the police were everywhere, grabbing at kids and forcing them to the ground.
I took off, running down the alleyway with the crowd of others. My legs burned as I ran faster than I’d ever run before. I’d maybe made it a few streets away when gunshots tore into the night sky.
My eyes welled with tears.
I thought of Theo.
I was shaking endlessly in my bedroom, pacing. It’d been two hours since we’d scattered like rats. I looked out the window every few seconds, hoping to find the silhouette of Theo, waiting for me.
I nearly choked back a cry of fear when a police car drove down the block. Why were they here? I ducked down from my window, listening as it slowly drove by. They were looking for someone.
Why did I know they were looking for Theo?
I suddenly was scared they’d come to the house. If they told Granny they knew I’d been there…and that shots were fired…
She would look at me with so much disappointment.
I curled into my bed, trying to stop shaking. I closed my eyes. Begging for morning to come and for Theo to be okay.
I whipped my eyes open. It felt like I’d blinked. A silhouette was crouched on the bed next to me. I recognized Theo’s form. I sat upright quickly, wondering how much time had passed.
“Theo,” I breathed out, relieved. I hugged him, nearly knocking him off balance.
“Emma, I’m glad you got home.”
“Your hand slipped. I’m sorry for leaving you. I’m so sorry.” Tears ran down my cheeks.
“No, it’s okay, it’s okay, Emma. I didn’t want you there.”
I pulled away to look at him. He wiped away my tears. “What do you mean?”
His face tightened. “Just…I’m glad you got here. You didn’t need to be there when shit went down.”
“What happened? What were the gunshots?”
He looked at my mouth. “The guys I sell to were there. I guess they had a shootout with the police. One of the officers got shot.”