He grinned, but his voice was mean. “My Stasia made you this food. It ain’t fine dining, like you’re used to. You better fucking eat it and make my daughter smile. Got it?”
I said nothing.
Moments later, the little girl re-entered the room, the hem of her long nightgown skimming along the hardwood floor. She had a small pink plate in her hands and took her time, making sure it was balanced in her grasp.
“Here it is,” she sweetly said, extending the plate out for me to take.
I mustered a smile, taking it from her tiny hands. I caught more burn marks along her knuckles and wrists. My heart clenched. “Thank you, Stasia.”
“It’s peanut butter and jelly,” she declared.
“I love peanut butter and jelly.”
The sandwich had been cut in half by a very dull blade, given it was still attached to the other half. I pulled it apart and took a small bite as she watched raptly. Theo watched me, too, just as deeply. I ignored him, smiling once more at Stasia. “This is amazing. Thank you, Stasia.”
Stasia beamed. “You’re welcome.”
“Baby girl, go put your puzzle together while I chat to Mrs Borden,” Theo directed her next.
The second Stasia left, I set the sandwich down, my stomach completely closed. The food had tasted like ash in my mouth. I was going to vomit from fear. I looked around the room as Theo walked to the door and closed it. There was a window, and it was closed. It would be my only bet out of here. When I looked back at Theo, he was looking between me and the window, this amused smile plastered on his stupid face.
“You want to leave?” he asked.
“Hector,” I retorted. “Where is he?”
“Still droning on about that one?” He walked to the window and opened it wide for me. As he did, I immediately pressed a hand to my bra, feeling for my blade. Looking down my shirt, I didn’t find it. My heart dropped. When I looked back up, he stared knowingly at me. “Yeah, the blade between your tits is gone, Nightcrawler. You want it back or do you want to crawl out of this window? We’re on the second floor. I’d recommend you scale the roof first. There’s a truck at the front. You can jump onto the bed of it. Then you’ve got…oh, I’d say about a three hour walk back to New Raven. Four if you’re going to that disgusting mansion you live in.”
What was he playing at?
He walked back to the centre of the room, giving me ample space to dive out of the bed and get to the window. I stared him down as I slowly slid out of bed. He shoved his taped hands into his pocket, watching me carefully as I stumbled on my feet. My knees were wobbly, but I didn’t care. I turned to the window and raced for it.
I instantly felt my heart jump to my throat at his movements at my back. He chased me down, his arms wrapping around my body. He pulled me back into his torso, holding me tightly as I bucked wildly, holding back my screams because I didn’t want to startle his little girl. Was Borden right? Did he use his own kid as a fucking tool?
He pressed his lips against my ear. “Nightcrawler, like old times, hey?”
“Let me go!” I growled. “Theo, get off me!”
“What’s your grand plan when you get out there? Because if you’re seen in New Raven right now, walking down those shitstain streets, you’re going to get plucked off again, and we ain’t gonna rescue you this time, you feel me?”
He sucked the energy straight out of me as I continued to flail. I went limp, breathing hard.
“Hector…” I panted. “Going back…for Hector…”
He let me go suddenly and I collapsed on the floor like a bag of bones. Pain intensified. I caught my breath, my eyes glued to the floor as I listened to him pace. He walked back to the window and shut it. “Hector’s with us. He’s sorta chained to a chair. That’s not because we’re hurting him or anything, either. He’s just got a lot of energy. Doesn’t want to hear what we have to say. Just wants to know where you’re at. I gotta hand it to Borden, he knows how to pick your saviours, hey?”
He walked around me. I fisted my hands as he came back to me and knelt. He placed the pink plate on the floor and slid it in front of me. He looked at me. His eyes were cold, but his voice was deceptively pleasant. “Eat the fucking sandwich, and then come out. Say thanks to my daughter, and then we’re going to talk. If you’re a good girl, I’ll invite your buddy Hector in. It’ll be fun. We’re going to have a great time, Emma.”
With that he left the room.
Chapter Thirty-Four
I choked down the sandwich, eyeing the window. It would be naive to think I could escape. Theo probably had his boys hanging around. Plus, I couldn’t leave Hector.
I thought of Borden. He’d know for sure something was up. He’d find Hector’s vehicle abandoned. The two cars shot up. Oh, my God, his men were probably shot up or dead. Granny would be distraught because she’d have been waiting for me to collect Link.