Page 10 of Worth Fighting For

The Omega had a point, especially as the speedboat was getting dangerously close. An injured Omega would be easy to take back to their boat. Not something Renzo wanted any of them to have to endure again.

Grabbing the medical kit he’d had at his feet and slinging the gun over his shoulder, he crab walked to the injured man. Fennec. Shit. He sent up a silent prayer to anyone who might be listening to please let the baby be okay. Not that he really thought there was a God, considering the world they lived in. Or, if there was, he clearly didn’t care about the humans he’d basically abandoned.

Sighing in relief when he saw the bullet had gone through the fleshy part of his leg, Renzo quickly put on a pressure bandage and wrapped it, so Fennec could defend himself if the Alphas made it aboard.

“You’ll be okay.” At least from the wound. After that, Renzo had no clue what was going to happen to them. “Let me help you to the bridge.” It wouldn’t completely protect him, but it would give the rest of them time to take out as many invaders as possible before they reached the pregnant Omega.

“No.” Fire blazed in Fennec’s eyes as he picked up the gun he’d dropped and got back into position, keeping much of the weight off his injured leg. “I hit one of those bastards and I’m not going to stop shooting until there are no more bullets left.”

Renzo nodded, admiring his resolve. “Okay, just try to keep your weight off it as long as possible.” Once the Alphas boarded, all bets were off because they’d be in hand-to-hand combat, but if there was one thing Renzo had learned in his time with the Omegas, they had backbones of steel. No matter what the Alphas had done to them, they refused to give up fighting for their freedom.

Grabbing his med kit again, he headed back to his position next to Coleson. “Is he and the baby okay?” the Omega asked even as he kept shooting, hitting another Alpha, who Renzo knew had died as a huge red bloom appeared right over his heart.

“Good shot,” he praised, even though he knew Coleson didn’t need, nor probably wanted, it. “A bullet went through his leg, but it didn’t seem to hit anything major. He should be fine, but it will be hard on him if he has to fight them.”

Coleson scowled over at him. “You should have taken him to the hull where he’d be safe.”

Renzo looked over at him incredulously. “Are you crazy? If there’s one thing I learned trying to mend all those Omegas after the Alphas got their hands on them, don’t order one around when they’re determined. I’m likely to get my head bitten off.”

Then he flashed a stunned Coleson a smile before returning to firing at the approaching boat that was way too close for comfort. “Be ready,” he yelled out. “We’re about to be boarded.”

Grappling hooks were tossed to their rails, which the Omegas quickly cut off, not allowing the Alphas to attach their boat to theirs. But that would not hold them off for long. A quick headcount was not to Renzo’s liking. There were still fifteen Alphas, all ready to jump across the distance to their ship. This was going to be a long and bloody fight.


Coleson hadn’t expected Renzo to admit that Omegas were fierce and nearly missed it when grappling hooks were thrown at their ship, holding onto the railing. “Cut the ropes,” he yelled, even as he took one of the few swords they had in their possession and chopped at the thick strands.

It took precious time, but they got them disengaged. Those not working to cut the ropes were still firing, but it was obvious the Alphas on the boat were more than prepared to leap across the distance to their ship. It would give Coleson and the others an opportunity to shoot at fairly close range when they were vulnerable, but it would be a challenge for most to hit a moving target that would literally be flying through the air.

“As soon as they jump, fire,” Coleson yelled out. “And remember, aim for their chest.”

Some of the Alphas tried to twist to make their center mass less of a target, but for at least two it meant missing the railing and falling into the water. It wasn’t enough, but each one who didn’t get aboard was a plus as far as he was concerned. Two more had been shot point blank by Fennec, who was filled with rage if his twisted lips and narrowed eyes were anything to go by. Most likely because someone had put a bullet in him while pregnant. Kelce was the other one to hit his target, right in the heart. Even before he’d dropped from sight and into the water, it was obvious he was dead based on the huge hole in his heart.

That left them about eleven to fight off. Not great, but not bad, especially since the only one of who’d gotten hurt to any real degree was Fennec. Still, as much as it pained him to admit, Omegas were on the smaller side. Not puny, but they still didn’t have quite the muscle mass most Alphas did. Especially these Alphas who all looked like they’d been on steroids since birth.

“Lowen,” Renzo yelled. “We need you.”

He was the only one of them to stand a chance against those trying to kidnap the Omegas. Lowen had worked on his family farm his entire life and was one of the strongest people he’d known. Renzo was fairly strong, but not compared to the giants they were facing.

“Knives,” he screamed out, hoping like hell everyone had already pulled them out. This would be trickier, as they mostly had rifles. A few, like Kelce, Gulliver and another Omega from the west, Shyamal, had pistols too because they’d grown up learning to use them, but he wasn’t certain it would help, especially since they had to watch out to ensure they didn’t end up hitting one of them instead of the Alphas.

Brandishing his knife, Coleson fought as hard as he could against an Alpha who had to have been at least six-and-a-half-feet tall, and most likely weighed over three hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle, but he wasn’t even able to get a scratch on the guy. That evil smile that promised Coleson would suffer chilled him to the bone.

Then the guy froze, his eyes rolled up in his head and he dropped like a stone. Behind him stood Renzo, scalpel dripping with blood, more of the substance pooled around the deck as the Alpha he’d killed bled out at their feet.

“Thank you,” he breathed out, fearing he was about to pass out from the exertion it had taken to even attempt to save himself from being taken back to the other boat.

Renzo grinned at him. “You’re welcome. But I have to admit, even though I could take him by surprise, I’ve been fighting tooth and nail, and not making any headway.”

Coleson glanced around and saw the same dilemma with the others. They were so screwed. Every Omega was tiring drastically. It would only be a matter of time before…

Three shots rang out, one after another, followed by three others. As if it were some macabre synchronized dance, six Alphas fell with holes in their skulls, eyes completely sightless.

“What…?” Renzo started to say but then broke out into another grin as he looked over Coleson’s shoulder. “It appears the cavalry is here.”

Coleson whirled around to find Westland, Oxley, and Raman pulling up in a speedboat. The Alphas who were still onboard the one that had attacked their ship were lying in pools of blood, holes also in their heads.

“Sorry we took so long, but we had to find enough gas in order to follow them.” Westland tied their boats together and leapt aboard.