“Yeah. She’s been in remission for a couple of years now. Although, every time she goes in for bloodwork or a checkup, I worry that something will pop up and it’ll send our family tumbling down the rabbit hole again. When she was first diagnosed, I did a ton of research so I could understand what was happening and how bad it was. I was afraid that my parents weren’t being truthful about the prognosis because they didn’t want us to stress. What I know is that if it comes back for a second time, it’ll be more aggressive.”
Goose bumps break out across my skin. Even though they don’t mention it, I’m all too aware that my family worries about the same thing.
It only makes me realize that River and Maverick have even more in common.
Although, it’s doubtful either of them would appreciate me pointing out the similarities.
“I know it’s easier said than done, but you can’t live your life waiting for the other shoe to drop or worrying about things that might never come to pass.” The words burst out of my mouth before I can stop them. “None of us are guaranteed anything in this world. I don’t know your mom, but I doubt she’d want you to live in constant fear for what the future will bring.”
It’s certainly not what I want for the people in my life.
“And she doesn’t want to be constantly reminded of her sickness and what will happen if it returns.”
There’s nothing worse than your family staring at you like you have an expiration date tattooed across your forehead. Almost as if they’re already mourning your loss.
His brows knit as he digests my outburst. “I get what you’re saying. It’s just…” His tongue darts out to moisten his lips as his steady gaze searches mine. “Hard to make peace with the fact that one of the most important people in your life could be taken from you at any time.”
“I know. But what’s the alternative?” There’s a beat of silence. “To hold yourself back from caring or loving anyone? To isolate yourself so you never have to feel pain? It’s part of the human condition. No one goes through it without experiencing both love and loss. It’s just not possible. Maybe you don’t realize it, but there’s freedom in accepting and embracing that during our lifetime, you’ll have to get through it.”
“I guess I’m still trying to work through everything in my head.” His attention drops to where our hands are still clasped. “I’m not there yet.”
My muscles soften at the heartfelt conversation we’re having in the middle of the library.
It’s not something I would have expected.
At every turn, Maverick continues to surprise me.
His gaze lifts to mine again. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know,” he mutters with a shrug. “Letting me unload. Other than talking to my sister, it’s not something I usually do.” His lips quirk as some of the heaviness fades from his expression. “Shocker…it actually feels good.”
My heart swells with so much emotion that there’s a possibility it’ll burst. He has no idea just how intimately acquainted I am with what he’s been through. It’s so tempting to share my experiences with him, but I’m afraid that Maverick would look at me differently.
Treat me differently.
And that’s the last thing I want.
Before I can refocus our conversation and suggest that we get back to work, he pops to his feet and pulls me up with him.
My eyes widen at the sudden movement. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
With his fingers locked around my wrist, he drags me through the stacks until we’re buried in a distant corner, away from prying eyes.
When he grinds to a halt, I stumble into his bigger body. His hands wrap around my upper arms before he forces me backward until my spine hits the shelving unit.
“Maverick?” I squeak.
“I’m taking your advice and living in the moment.”
Before I can come up with a response, his mouth crashes onto mine and his tongue sweeps over the seam of my lips. As soon as I open, he slips inside to tangle with my own. And then I’m lost. My palms settle on the steely strength of his chest. Instead of pushing him away, I drag him closer until my arms can twine around his neck.
A groan rumbles up from him. The deep vibration of it is enough to flood my panties with heat.
He pulls away enough to mutter, “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do that. It’s all I’ve thought about these past few days.”