It’s taking every ounce of willpower to hold myself back and not pounce on her.
When I have myself under control again, I close the distance between us before dropping down beside her.
“Hello, sunshine.”
Before she can respond to the greeting, I wrap my fingers around the side of her chair and drag it closer. Her eyes widen a second or two before my lips crash onto hers.
Maybe I told myself that I needed to play this cool, but I’m unable to do it.
This girl makes me lose all control.
It’s as exhilarating as it is frightening.
When a gasp escapes her, my tongue slips inside the warmth of her mouth. Sweetness blooms to life inside me before rushing through my veins.
There’s something addictive about her. It’s like I can’t keep my hands or lips off this girl.
It’s only when someone in the vicinity clears their throat and grumbles about how inappropriate PDA in the library is that her palms flatten against my chest and she gently pushes me away.
That doesn’t stop my body from straining toward hers.
Already, her cheeks are stained pink and she’s breathless.
I love that I’m the one who does this to her.
As unaffected as she tries to pretend she is, her body gives her away every single time.
More than anything, I want to unravel her and figure out who she is. What makes her tick. Her likes and dislikes.
And not just in the bedroom.
Already, I’m learning those preferences.
My gaze flicks back to hers when she clears her throat. “If I’m going to tutor you, we should probably keep our relationship professional.”
A burst of laughter escapes from me. “Professional? Are you being serious?”
Her brows slide together as uncertainty flickers in her eyes. “Yeah.”
“Sorry. It’s much too late for that. There’s nothing professional about our relationship. And FYI—there never will be.” I lean closer before whispering, “Now that I’ve tasted how sweet your pussy is, it’s all I can think about.”
A dull flush crawls up her cheeks. “Maverick…”
I pop a brow. “Yeah?”
“You shouldn’t say things like that.”
“Why? It’s the truth. One taste of your honey and I was addicted.”
I stroke my fingers across her cheek and then her lower lip.
Fuck, but I’m so tempted to nip at her mouth, because I know exactly how much it’ll turn her on.
Her pupils will dilate until the black swallows up the bright blue.
There’s nothing sexier than Willow when she’s aroused.
What I need to do is break down all her defenses until she finally accepts that this one-night stand has turned into something more. Something neither of us saw coming.