I push through the glass doors of the Union and into the warmth of the building. My scarf is wrapped around my neck to keep out the biting wind that whips through campus. The temperatures this week have been below average, and I can feel it in my bones. Spring break will be coming up soon, and I’m jealous of everyone who has plans to travel to tropical destinations for some R and R.
I could definitely use a little vitamin D right about now.
The chatter of voices fills my ears as I glance around the crowded space for Elle.
After running into her at Taco Loco, we made plans to meet for lunch and catch up. Even though we just met in the fall, she’s turned out to be a good friend.
She’s always bubbly and positive.
I caught her in Western’s production of Heathers last semester, and she was phenomenal. Her dream is to star on Broadway. With her talent, there’s no way it won’t come true.
When I don’t immediately catch sight of her dark head, I consider shooting her a text. It’s altogether possible she’s not here yet. Just as I reach into my jacket pocket, I see her waving from a corner near a long stretch of floor-to-ceiling windows.
My lips lift into a smile as I wave back and navigate my way through the lunch rush. The Union is always packed this time of the day. There are so many different restaurants to choose from. The options are practically limitless.
The moment I’m within striking distance, Elle tugs me into her arms and gives me a quick hug. “I’ve missed you, girl. We definitely need to do this more often.”
“Maybe if someone wasn’t so busy with another production and her hunky boyfriend, we could do that.”
The grin that lights up her face makes her appear even more beautiful than she already is. With her coffee-colored eyes and long straight hair that matches in shade, Elle Kendricks is absolutely gorgeous.
A few guys stare as she beams at me.
I unzip my jacket and loosen my scarf as we settle at the table. The bright sunlight that pours in through the eastern facing windows feels amazing. Even though it’s cold outside, there’s not a single cloud marring the cornflower blue sky.
She slides half a sandwich and a bowl of soup in my direction. “I arrived a few minutes early and bought lunch. I hope you like tomato bisque.”
“It’s perfect. Thanks.”
Elle unwraps her turkey and swiss before taking a bite. “I’m starving.”
I nod in agreement and do the same.
While we eat, she tells me all about the new campus production she has a part in. Even though Elle is only a sophomore, she’s been given a larger role in the spring play. This time they’re performing The Wolves, a story about a high school soccer team.
“So, what about you?” she asks. “Anything going on? Have you been out with anyone interesting lately?”
I glance away, unsure if I should mention my one-night stand that’s turned into a two-night stand. It’s not like we went out on a real date or anything like that.
When I remain silent, her brows shoot up. “I know that look. Spill.”
I nibble my lower lip as indecision spirals through me.
Elle narrows her eyes. “If you don’t tell me right this minute, I’ll call in reinforcements. Holland will tell me, for sure. And if she doesn’t know, she can help drag all the juicy details out of you.”
“All right, all right. Sheesh.” With a grimace, I roll my eyes. “I’m sorry I ever introduced the two of you. Every time I turn around, you two are plotting against me.”
She flashes a devilish smile. “Just remember that it’s all done out of love.”
I snort. “Oh, is that what you tell yourself to sleep better at night?”
There’s not an ounce of remorse in her expression. “I sleep just fine, if you must know.” There’s a beat of silence. “Now, tell me.”
I wasn’t planning to share the details with anyone until I get a better handle on the situation.