Page 62 of Mine to Take

His inscrutable expression never falters. “Yeah, sure. It’s the only reason you came here, right?”

He shoves away from the door before his fingers grip the hem of his sweatshirt. I blink when he draws the thick cotton up his torso and over his head, leaving him in a navy Wildcats T-shirt.

My mouth dries. “What are you doing?”

“Getting your necklace.”

Before I can ask anything else, he strips off the snug material that fits him like a glove, leaving him bare chested.

My gaze licks over sculpted abdominals and chiseled pecs that stand out in stark relief. And his biceps…

Holy hell.

Even his muscles have muscles.

Hands down, he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on. Not that it’s saying much, but still…

I have no idea how much time ticks by as I drink in his male beauty. He’s like a work of art that needs to be silently appreciated. My panties dampen just looking at him.

It takes a herculean effort to mentally shake myself from the stupor that’s fallen over me and refocus my attention. “My, um…necklace… Where is it?”

His hand rises to his throat to touch the pendant that hangs from the silver chain resting against his sun-kissed collarbone.

My eyes widen. Barely am I able to push out the question, “You’ve been wearing it this entire time?”

His shoulders lift in a nonchalant gesture that belies the tension straining his muscles, looking for an escape. “I wanted to keep it safe.”

When I remain silent, processing the response, the corners of his lips quirk. “Well, what are you waiting for, sunshine? If you want it so badly, all you need to do is come and get it.”

I suck in a sharp breath.

He doesn’t make any effort to unclasp it or hand it over.

He simply stands there, as if daring me to make the first move.

When he raises a brow in silent challenge, I force my feet into motion. Every step has my heartbeat ratcheting up, galloping beneath my breast until it reverberates throughout my body and in my ears.

This is a bad idea.

Then again, Maverick McKinnon has bad idea stamped all over him.

And yet, that knowledge isn’t enough to stop me.

To stop whatever’s about to happen from unfolding.

I’m not sure if there’s anything capable of dousing the spark that’s flared to life.

Satisfaction leaps in his eyes as I tentatively close the distance that separates us. Red lights blare in my head, making me question my decisions, and I grind to a quick halt.

What am I doing?

I’m tap dancing on a dangerous line.

When I remain still—at a crossroads—he whispers, “Come on, sunshine. Just a few more steps.”

My gaze drops from his to the necklace draped around his neck.

I’m so close.