It’s tempting to take one in retreat.
The last thing I want is for him to get too close. I’m terrified of what will happen if he lays his hands on me. I’ve been thinking nonstop about the night we spent together and how good he made me feel.
If only it were possible to evict Maverick McKinnon from my brain.
Every nerve ending goes on high alert as he bridges the space between us. “I assume you’re talking about your necklace.”
Relief rushes through me. “Yes.”
“If you want it, you’ll have to come back to my place and get it.”
My mouth turns parched as I gulp at the idea of being alone with him. It takes effort to push the words out. “I can’t do that.”
He jerks his shoulders, as if my decision doesn’t affect him one way or the other. I’d almost think it was true except for the intensity that blazes from his eyes and the cautious way he continues to inch closer.
Almost as if he’s trying to approach a skittish animal.
“Then it’s not that important or you don’t want it badly enough.”
My gaze stays fastened to his as I draw my lower lip between my teeth and chew the plump flesh, indecision warring inside my head.
“You’re wrong about that. It means everything to me and I need it back.”
“If that’s the case, then the choice is a simple one.” There’s a beat of silence. “Don’t you think?”
Even though I don’t want to take my eyes off him for a second, it’s impossible to think straight when I’m staring at him. It’s like gazing directly at the sun.
It’s hazardous to your health.
He’s just…
Too much.
Too everything.
His masculine presence is overpowering in every sense of the word.
I’ve never met anyone like Maverick.
I force my gaze to his. Even though it feels like a mistake, the question is out of my mouth before I can think better of it. “Do you promise to give it back if I come with you?”
I don’t realize how rigid his muscles had become until they loosen and his lips lift into some semblance of a smile. The feral look glowing in his eyes is enough to send a fresh burst of nerves scampering across my skin.
“You have my word.”
Don’t do it.
Don’t spend any more time alone with him.
I shut down the little voice in my head. If this is the only way to get my necklace back, what choice is there?
The silver chain and pendant are too important to let go of.
Instead of closing the distance between us, he shoves open the heavy glass door. “After you.”
Heat emanates from him in heavy, suffocating waves as I slip past, trying not to touch him. The woodsy scent of his cologne wraps sly fingers around me, cocooning me in memories of the night we spent together and how easy it was for him to make my body sing.