I glance at her again. Her boyfriend has her wrapped up in his brawny arms. “Yeah, we were making plans to get together.”
He shoots a quick look over his shoulder at the crowded table. “Hot girl.”
“Remember when I tried to set you up with her? You said you weren’t interested. Now it’s too late.”
He shrugs. “A girlfriend is the last thing I need right now. I’ve got too much going on with school and hockey.”
I cock a brow because even though that’s true, my guess is that he’s still hung up on Sabrina. Whenever I bring up the subject, his expression turns stony and he shuts down the convo. There hasn’t been anyone serious since.
I pick up my glass of water and take a sip.
“Why’d you decide to bale Saturday night? One minute you were there and the next you were gone.”
My hand freezes midway back to the table. Deflecting the question, I say, “There didn’t seem to be much point in staying. Plus, you were busy sucking that girl’s face.”
He rolls his eyes. “Please.”
Before he can fire off any more questions, Lola stops by. “I suppose you two want the usual?”
“Sounds good,” River says with a lazy grin.
“Yes, please,” I add.
“You still with your boyfriend?” he asks.
“Yup.” She gives him a sweet smile before pointing to Asher. “I’ll be sure to tell him you said hello.”
River glances at the muscular football player who looks like he could bench press a small vehicle with ease. When the other guy glares, River lifts his hand in a wave.
A chuckle escapes from Lola as she disappears through the crowd.
“Umm, excuse me… What happened to you not wanting a girlfriend?”
He flashes a cocky smile. “Who knows? Maybe the right one could persuade me.”
That’s doubtful.
“I’m beginning to think you’re the one who’ll have to do the persuading.”
“That’s not very nice.”
I jerk my shoulders. “Maybe not, but it’s the truth.”
“Funny…you sound just like Mom.”
Eyes flaring wide, I stab a finger in his direction. “You take that back.”
“I’ll be sure to tell her you said that.”
“Better not, or this will be the last lunch we have together.”
When his lips tremble and his shoulders shake, mine do the same. This is the way it always is between us. We’re the best of friends. Even when we’re bickering. Our bond is one that can never be broken.
Less than ten minutes later, our taco platters arrive and we dig in. River eats with gusto. Kind of like he spent a month on that reality show Survivor and was finally voted off the island. I take my time, knowing that whatever I don’t finish, which will be most of it, my brother will end up devouring. I can’t think of one time when we walked out with a doggie bag.
Once I tap out, he spears his fork at my plate. “Are you done with that?”
“Yup.” I slide the platter filled with rice, beans, and chicken-stuffed tacos his way before picking up my glass of water. A few drops dribble from the corner of my mouth onto my V-neck shirt.