Excitement sparks in her eyes. “Trust me, I’m counting down the days.”
“I bet.”
“Could use a little help here,” another raven-haired waitress mutters as she speeds past with an overflowing tray of tacos and chips.
“And that would be my cue to get back to work.” She cranes her neck and points to a table situated in the back. “Big bro is already here and waiting.”
I roll my eyes. “He’s only older by a handful of minutes.”
Her expression lightens. “Still makes him older.”
“Now you sound like my parents.”
With a laugh, she takes off, stopping at a table crowded with a bunch of guys. From about a dozen feet away, her boyfriend, Asher Stevens, cranes his neck as he watches her. I’m sure if any of the patrons looked sideways at Lola, he’d be over there in a flash.
I met Lola in the fall through Elle Kendricks, who I got to know in a math class. We became fast friends and she introduced me to some of the girls she hangs out with.
From what I’ve seen, Asher treats Lola like a queen.
What’s funny is that there are so many stories that circulate at Western about him being a major player on campus, and yet, I’ve never seen him look at another girl.
As far as he’s concerned, there’s no one else but Lola.
I wave to Asher and realize he’s here with a bunch of his teammates and their girlfriends. Elle pops to her feet and waves with a big smile. She’s the sweetest.
Her boyfriend, Carson Roberts, is such a hottie. I get a little tongue tied around him. He and Elle’s brother were besties. She’d had a massive crush on Carson while growing up and he… Well, he tried his damnedest to convince her that he only saw her as a younger sister in need of protecting.
The way he looks at her is far from sisterly.
Honestly, it’s kind of feral.
Sometimes I really don’t understand how guys think.
As soon as I’m within striking distance, Elle throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tight. “I haven’t seen you in a few weeks. You were supposed to text me so we could make plans and get together.”
“Sorry. Classes have been busy.”
She rolls her eyes. “Classes-smasses.”
I laugh. “Yeah, well, they’re kind of important. Not all of us are going to end up on Broadway in a few years.”
She grins. “From your lips to God’s ears.”
My attention gets drawn to the people crowded around the table. “Looks like you’re getting your taco Tuesday on.”
“Yup.” She flicks a look toward the back of the restaurant. “I saw River walk in a few minutes ago.”
“You know the drill—weekly lunch date.” I jerk my thumb in his direction. “I should probably get moving or he’ll come find me.”
“Okay, but let’s figure out a time for us to get together soon, all right? I really miss seeing your face.”
With a nod, I give her another quick hug before navigating a path to my brother and dropping down across from him.
He sets his phone on the table and meets my gaze. “Hey. I saw you talking with Elle on your way over.”