Like escaping before he wakes up and figures out my identity.
The last thing I need is what happened between us getting back to my brother.
I wince.
Any desire within me is doused by those thoughts.
The smartest thing I can do is get moving before my choices from last night bite me in the ass.
Actually, that already happened.
Several times, if I recall correctly.
And I enjoyed every second of it.
It’s carefully that I slide to the edge of the mattress before slipping off and dropping to the carpet. My heart riots painfully against my ribcage as I pause and listen for his deep, even breaths before exhaling a shaky one of my own. I peek over the edge of the mattress, only to find him in the same position as moments ago with one brawny arm thrown over his eyes and his lips parted slightly. Even though half his face is shielded from view, I’m struck all over again by how handsome he is.
It takes effort to rip my gaze away and glance around for my clothes. A small smile touches my lips as I locate my panties, bra, cami, jersey, and jeans strewn around the room. I crawl to each piece and tug them on. When I’m dressed, I pick up my shoes and jacket before tiptoeing to the closed door.
As I cross the threshold, I throw one last glance over my shoulder. The sight of him sprawled out on the queen-sized bed is enough to have regret pricking at me. For just a heartbeat or two, I wonder if I’m making a mistake by sneaking away like this.
It was just a one-night stand, right?
He’s not interested in more.
And even if he was, he and River despise each other.
Before those thoughts can take root and cause confusion, I shake them loose and force myself into the hallway. As soon as the lock clicks into place, shuttering the hot hockey player inside his room, a rush of breath escapes from me.
What I need to do is leave this delicious interlude where it belongs—in the past.
And no one will ever be the wiser.
I slip my Vans onto my feet before slinking down the hallway.
It’s still early. If I’m lucky, everyone will still be sacked out. Maybe the team wasn’t celebrating a victory last night at the bar, but they were still belting back drinks, attempting to drown their sorrows.
Relief blooms inside me when I reach the first floor and the front door comes into view. Just as I congratulate myself on making a clean getaway, someone clears their throat from behind me.
With a high-pitched yelp, I nearly jump out of my skin before spinning around and locking gazes with Hayes Van Doren.
“Well, well, well…can’t say I ever expected to find Willow Thompson sneaking out of the hockey house at the butt crack of dawn.”
Amusement dances in his eyes as he lifts a spoonful of cereal to his mouth and chews it.
I’ve known Hayes since grade school. He and River were never best friends, but they played on a lot of the same teams.
Unsure how to talk my way out of this situation, I press my lips together and remain silent.
“I’m curious. Does Mav know whose sister you are?” There’s a pause before he answers his own question. “I can’t imagine that he would have hooked up with you if he had.”
“And it needs to stay that way,” I growl.
When a slow smile tips the corners of his lips, the muscles in my abdomen spasm.
The urge to flee takes hold, and I swing around, needing to get the hell out of here.
As I pull the door open and step into the early morning sunlight, he calls out, “Be sure to tell your brother I said hello.”