Page 130 of Mine to Take

It would be impossible not to notice the concern etched across his expression. I feel terrible that he was so worried about me.

But…is that all it was?


The kind you feel for a friend?

He glances at my brother and then my parents. “Is it all right if I come in?”

In a surprising plot twist, they turn their attention to me for an answer.

I nod as a fresh burst of nerves detonates at the bottom of my belly.

Mom rises from the chair parked next to my bed in one swift movement. Her fingers are still clasped around mine.

Even though I don’t want to, I rip my gaze away from Maverick to meet her eyes.

She clears her throat. “We’ll go home and grab something to eat. And then we’ll return in a few hours. Hopefully, once we get back, you’ll be released.”

“If you don’t mind, Mrs. Thompson, I’d like to take Willow home.”

Indecision flickers across Mom’s face. He’s unwittingly crossed into her domain.

When she remains silent, Dad says with a meaningful look aimed in her direction, “I think that would be fine, Rebecca. Don’t you?”

Mom straightens her narrow shoulders before reluctantly relinquishing my hand and forcing a slight smile to her lips. “Sure. Will you at least text me when you get home?”

A lump of emotion settles in my throat. “Of course I will.”

She chews her lower lip before nodding.

In a way, I understand how difficult it is for her to loosen the reins and let me take control. Mom is the one who kept track of all my appointments and medications. When I was too sick to take care of myself, she’s the one who did it for me.

And I’m so appreciative of her love.

But I’m not a child anymore.

And I don’t want to be treated like I’m on the verge of relapsing.

She needs to give me the space to grow into the adult I was always meant to be. No matter how difficult that is for her.

“Okay then,” she murmurs, tucking a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear.

Dad slips his arm around her waist before gently steering her from the room.

Rather than trail after them, River waits for our parents to disappear into the corridor before eating up the distance between him and Maverick. It only takes three strides to bring them toe-to-toe.

When they’re no more than a foot away, my brother pauses to search Maverick’s eyes. “I’m only going to say this one time—you hurt her and I’ll bury you where no one will ever find your carcass again. Are we clear?”

Tension crackles in the air between them.

The last thing I want is for a fight to break out and security to get called.

Maverick straightens to his full height as he stares right back. Although, his expression lacks the animosity that’s usually present when he’s around River. “The last thing I want to do is hurt Willow. You have my word.”

My heart constricts at the sincerity that rings through his deep voice.

The heavy tension wafting off River gradually dissipates.