We still keep in touch through social media.
I can’t imagine what Maverick’s reaction would be if he knew that we were friends.
Nausea blooms in the pit of my belly when I think about confessing all of this.
It very well could be the end of us.
When I remain silent, lost in thoughts of the past, she blurts, “But that was a long time ago. Mav’s moved on. It’s all water under the bridge.”
That remains to be seen.
When the last notes of the song currently pulsing through the speakers vibrate through the air, a large man hefts himself onto the makeshift stage and raises his arms in an effort to capture everyone’s attention.
I glance around, surprised at how quickly the rowdy crowd has quieted.
“Looks like it’s that time of the evening,” Juliette says.
My brows pinch as my gaze moves to her again. “What do you mean?”
She nods toward the man. “You’ve never been here after a Wildcats win?”
I shake my head, intrigued by what’s about to happen as a sense of expectation buzzes in the air.
“Any chance you like to sing?” she asks with a smile.
“Only in the shower. Does that count?”
She chuckles. “Sure.”
The questions that have gathered on the tip of my tongue are cut off when the man’s voice booms through the microphone. “Our boys brought home another win tonight, and you know what that means!”
I squeak in surprise when the crowd bellows back in unison, “Karaoke!”
“You got it!” He points to the drunken college kids with a grin. “Now, who’s going to start us off tonight?”
That’s all the encouragement three hockey players need to jump onto the stage. They spend a minute or two picking out a song before belting out Bruno Mars’s “Grenade.”
Color me impressed.
They’re not half bad.
“Babe?” Ryder materializes next to Juliette before holding out his hand for her to take. “Are we going to sing our song?”
She pops to her feet before pressing a kiss against his lips. “Would you let me leave tonight without doing it?”
A smile breaks out across his face. “Nope.”
With that, he wraps a brawny arm around her shoulders before steering her toward the stage. I’m curious as to what their song is.
Maverick drops down into the chair his sister just vacated before passing me a bottle of sparkling water.
“Not a problem.”
Once the first few notes float on the air, I recognize it.
“Bring Me to Life” by Evanescence.