Holland mulls over the comment before grudgingly admitting, “Yeah, they do. Even if they are dating hockey players.”
The girls might not realize it, but they’ve just earned Holland’s rare stamp of approval.
As soon as I shove into the locker room, I toss my gloves and helmet into my locker and grab my phone, firing off a quick text to Willow.
Really loved seeing you in my jersey
Three little dots appear before her message pops up on the screen.
I’m certainly not the only girl who was wearing a Maverick McKinnon jersey tonight. You’re incredibly popular with the female fans.
I only noticed you, sunshine. Plus, you’re the only one who was wearing one from me.
I wait a second or two before firing off another text. The last thing I want is for her to have second thoughts and take off on me.
I saw you with my sister. Just stick with her and I’ll find you once we’re released, okay?
When she doesn’t immediately respond, I tap out another message.
Sunshine? Don’t make me hunt your ass down. You know I will.
Okay. I’ll meet you in the lobby.
I can’t help but grin, oblivious to all the commotion and the good-natured ribbing that unfolds around me.
Good girl. Then I tack on a winky face.
All I can think about is getting my hands on her and finishing what we started in her bedroom a couple hours ago.
On second thought, maybe we won’t head to the bar at all. I’d much rather strip her bare and?—
“What the hell are you grinning at? The expression on your ugly mug makes you look like a total psychopath,” Hayes says, knocking me from all thoughts of Willow.
He raises a brow as I toss the cell back into my locker.
“Nothing,” I say, shrugging off the comment.
If this guy thinks I’m about to hand over info about Willow, he couldn’t be more wrong. Hayes is notorious for giving people shit.
When I sink to the bench to unlace my skates, he settles beside me. “Does it have anything to do with the hot blonde you’ve been screwing?”
My head snaps up and I bite out, “You know what her name is, and I haven’t been screwing her.”
His brows shoot up. “Huh. Interesting. If this isn’t straight-up fucking, what is it?”
“None of your damn business. How about that?”
The whistle that escapes from him is long and low. “Damn, dude. Sounds like it could be serious. Can’t say I was expecting that.”
“Maybe it is.”
“Have you met the fam yet?”
I jerk my shoulders, refusing to admit that I’m still trying to convince this girl to dump her boyfriend and give me a shot. “Nope.”