This is my chance for Jude to see me as a woman, not just Lila’s nanny. And I’m pretty sure he was checking out my breasts at dinner though it was hard to tell over candlelight. Normally I’d throw on a sweatshirt over my swimsuit, but I want him to notice the hard little points my nipples create. And believe me, it isn’t from the cold.
Following dinner, I excuse myself to take a quick shower. After I towel off, I consider my options and go straight for the robe at the foot of my bed. I bought it for this occasion. I slip the silk sleeves over my bare arms and cinch the tie around my waist with a neat bow.
I find in my absence Jude cleared away the dishes and settled in the observatory.
“Over here, come. Watch the lightning show with me.”
Hurricane lights and a few candles are scattered around in various spots so I don’t stub a toe, but they also do a fantastic job of showing off the fact I don’t have anything on underneath.
I chance a look at him and sure enough, his eyes rove over the way my heavy breasts sway with each step. I don’t think he knows I can see, but his lips pull back in a slow gliding smile. The soft glow of candlelight makes it feel like we are the only ones in the world.
He’s sitting on the end of the sofa, drink in hand with another on the low table in front of him. Holding a hand out, he offers it to me.
“Take this. It will chase away the last of the chills from the rain.”
“Sorry I took so long.” Our fingers brush when I take the glass of whiskey he’s poured for me. I’m more of a wine girl, but I have a feeling tonight will be filled with a lot of firsts. His dark eyes lock on mine and this time the cold has nothing to do with why I shiver.
Jude rubs a finger against his lower lip. His dark eyes are hidden from me now. He has tucked his head against his chest like he’s praying. “Peyton, you make me want to do bad things. You should have taken the offer and stayed at a hotel.”
His voice is rough with restraint, and I’m on the verge of throwing myself at him hearing those words come from his mouth. But I rein myself in. He doesn’t need me acting like some fangirl who can’t keep their senses about them.
My heartbeat thunders in my ears. I swallow. “I’d like that.”
I cringe inwardly. Oh, come on! That’s all I’ve got?
Jude gives a tight laugh, a brow raised. “I’m not talking about picking up your dry cleaning for you, Peyton. I crave to know what you sound like, feel like, and taste like when you come all over my mouth and cock.”
Holy fuck.
I’ve been fantasizing about hearing these words from his lips for months. In my room, I drag out my vibrator to images of him on a nightly basis. Goosebumps pebble my arms. I was close to coming at the thought of us.
“I want that too, Mister...Jude,” I quickly correct myself.
Jude growls, his eyes back on me, and I’m sucked into those gorgeous depths. Pulled into his power.
I come to stand in front of him. One slip of my leg and my folds would be bared to him.
He wraps his strong fingers around my hips and I can feel the strength of them through my thin robe. “Go up to your room and close the door, sweetheart. I’m no good for you.”
“I hear you, I really do.” I loosen the belt of my robe a little at a time. Warmth climbs my neck and spills across my cheeks. The tie slips an inch, and then another until both sides of my robe fall to the sides.
“Fuck, Peyton what have you done to me?” he purrs.
Cool air from the storm brushes over my heated skin. My fingers tremble as I peel the sides away farther to reveal my large breasts.
“The same thing you’ve done to me, Jude.” A million feelings rush through me. I am laying myself bare to my boss and this could have so many repercussions come morning, but I shove the truth of those thoughts into a dark corner of my mind. “I think you’re just what I need.”
I feel excited, nervous, and most of all, powerful.
He stands and towers over me, gripping my chin in his large hand. My eyes are drawn to the perfect symmetry of his jawline, defined cheekbones and sensual lips that drive half of the world’s female population wild with lust.
He moves his hands to my shoulders and slips them beneath the thin wrapping I called a robe. His eyes glitter as he studies my breasts before dipping lower to the apex of my thighs. “Think you can seduce your boss?”
“Yes,” I say with confidence I don’t feel. He reaches up and loosens my hair, causing the heavy length to tumble over my shoulders.
“Come here,” he says quietly. He doesn’t need to say it any louder. Not with the amount of power infused into his words. How he does it I don’t know, but it must be how he commands the attention on a stage in front of thousands.
I step forward, feeling the cool marble under my bare feet. It’s in stark contrast to the rest of me that’s burning wildly.