Page 44 of Filthy Lovin Heroes

Then it sounded like a car backfired loudly.

The cart stopped moving.

“Get away, she’s mine.” Will screamed like a pussy. If I ever got a chance I would tell it to his face, too.

“You sick fuck. She’s mine.” Tyler roared right before the loud, sickening sound of bone crushing.

Nausea roiled through me, knowing that sound too well.

Oh, God! Was Tyler injured? Where was Rocco? Where were the police? We were in downtown LA for Christ’s sake. Where was everyone?

Just then, I heard the sound of police sirens drawing closer.

“She’s in here.” Tyler’s voice was near, digging in the cart to find me. Strong hands pulled me out of the cart and against a large chest. He held me so tightly I was dazed with relief and whatever sound bag drugged me with.

Without releasing me, Tyler carefully removed the duct tape over my mouth. He gently put me on my feet. I felt woozy and swayed.

“Breathe deeply. You need to walk around and get that crap he drugged you with out of your body.” His arms around me felt like heaven.

Will was laying on the ground, not moving about six feet away from me. His nose pouring bloody.


I paused by him. Blood splattered down the front of his uniform. A handgun lay on the pavement out of his reach. What had he been planning? I shuddered to think about his intentions.

“Is he dead?” I asked shakily. I never wanted to see his face again.

Rocco was kneeling next to him. He looked up at me and smiled. “Nah Miss, he’s just taking a little nap. Your man here has a great right hook.”

“Thank you, Rocco,” I said. “And thanks, Tyler.”

Tyler molded me to his side, taking most of my weight without actually carrying me and moved us back toward the office building. Off to the side of the office building, security guards were busy pushing back the crowd who had their cell phones out recording everything.

“Isn’t that the lead singer of The Kings?” Someone asked.

“Tyler, is she your girlfriend?” A voice in the crowd called.

Oh shit. Tyler had been recognized.

He ignored the pleas to turn around for better photo ops, but I glanced back to see the throng staring at us.

All at once it hit me how little privacy he had. No wonder he was so guarded.

Once back inside the building, Tyler stopped to examine me. He carefully felt my head, arms, and legs for any breaks.

“I’m fine. Just a headache from that stuff he drugged me with.” It had a sickeningly sweet smell.

“Rocco thinks it was chloroform, but I’m taking you to the hospital for a check-up just to be sure.”

The last place I wanted to be was around more prying eyes. The hospital would be a zoo. I was fine. Well, I would be fine when we got home. I was ready to be away from all the stares.

“I just want to go home.”

The only place I could think of that meant home was with Tyler.

I looked up into his eyes. His jaw was tight, and a muscle ticked. His blue eyes blazed. “Stay right here.” He sat me in a lobby chair then stalked away to talk to the police. He kept his body, so I was in his line of sight.

West waved to me crossing the lobby. “Hey! You ok?”