Those baby blue eyes, those pouting lips. Oh, what I would do to have them look up at me as she sucked on my dick.
I put the thought out of my mind for now. We’re not there yet. As much as I want to be, it is going to take a little work. But soon, I will win her over, and she will come to terms with being my wife and what that duty and responsibility means for the family.
She will want for nothing, but she must be loyal and always be by my side.
I walk back into my office and notice Matvey sitting in front of my desk, smoking a cigar.
“Those are specially flown in,” I mutter as I sit at my desk.
“I didn’t think you’d mind,” he says, tilting his head. “I’ve come to talk some sense into you.”
“Watch your tone, Matvey. You may be my second in command and baby brother, but I am Pakahn, and you will show me respect.” I cut off the end of my previous cigar and light it anew.
“Will you at least hear me out? Brother to brother?” He leans forward, pushing a glass of whiskey toward me.
“Fine, what is it?”
“This is not a good idea, Igor. Taking this Milov as your wife. Firstly, it will start a war with the Milovs. We’re on their territory. We don’t have a proper base here in Vegas yet. We still need to build ourselves up.” He sips his bourbon and sighs, setting his glass down.
“You worry too much, Matvey. We wanted to announce our arrival, and now we have. The Milovs will be shaken to the core, and with their defenses down, we can strike.” I puff on my cigar. “I don’t know what it is about her, but I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“You’re obsessed with a sworn enemy,” Matvey says.
“I won’t lie.” I shake my head and chuckle. “I’m taken with her. But that doesn’t mean this isn’t a strategic move on our part, brother.” I take another sip of my whiskey. “The Milovs will soon know of our arrival and will have to accept we are now joined through marriage.”
“And if they simply write their sister off?” Matvey asks. “If they do nothing.”
“I’ve known them longer than you. I’ve known them more intimately than you do. Kervyn places family above everything. Once he learns his sister is in my clutches, he will seek me out. He will be forced to negotiate with me.”
Matvey shakes his head and kills his cigar. “There’s no talking you out of this, is there? You refuse rather to use her as ransom, which I think is a much better idea?”
“No, she is interesting and fiery. I will take her as my wife. Who do we know here that is ordained?”
Maytev looks at me for a moment, then relents. “There’s Estivador, that Brazilian guy we know from the resort. He helps couples elope all the time.”
“Call him, have him come over,” I say, downing my whiskey. I want to get this done with as quickly as possible so we can move on with business.”
“Want what done with as quickly as possible? Can I help?” We both look to the door where Yvonne stands. Technically, she’s our cousin. My parents adopted her when hers were killed in Russia, so that’s when she became our sister. She has the same dark looks as we do, so it’s believable.
“Well, you’re going to have a new sister-in-law,” I say with a smile. “How are you finding Vegas?”
“Backtrack to the new sister-in-law?” She walks in and sits beside Matvey. “Who’s getting married?”
“I am. Today.” I say, snubbing out my cigar and pouring some more whiskey. “We’re just about to call the priest to officiate it.”
“Who are you getting married to?” she asks, confused.
“A girl we kidnapped and brought here today,” Matvey says before I can stop him.
Yvonne knows what we do. It’s no secret.
She sighs and shakes her head. “Where did you get the gown from?”
“What gown?” I ask.
“Flowers?” she asks.
I shake my head.