He quickly scoops me over his shoulder and carries me back up the stairs.
I start kicking and punching him, but he’s built like a rock, and I feel like I’m doing far more damage to myself than to him.
“There’s no point in resisting.”
We walk back into the room where my kidnapper has returned. “Little bitch.”
“Watch yourself, Matvey.”
I am set down on the sofa a lot more gently than I expected, and the man and my kidnapper walk to the door together.
“You’re just going to leave me here?” I demand to know.
Matvey glances at me and walks out. They look like they could be related, although the boss is definitely the older one. He locks the door and pockets the key.
“Miss Milov…”
“Don’t call me that,” I spit. “My name is Maia.”
I study his large frame. I can see scars on his hands, face, and on his neck where he doesn’t have tattoos.
“Miss Maia,” he says again. “I’m surprised you prefer not to be called by your family name, but it’s irrelevant, really.”
He stands over me, but I don’t like it, so I get up to look at him. “Are you at least going to offer me a drink?”
He chuckles. “You’re feisty. I like that.”
He walks over to where the drinks are kept. “Whiskey? Bourbon? Vodka?”
“Whiskey, neat,” I say, walking to the window to try to get a lay of the land.
He comes over with a glass and hands it to me. “Lovely estate. It took me forever to pick one that suited my needs. I probably would have gotten a better deal if you had been my agent, though.”
“You would have gotten the best deal,” I say arrogantly. “Why have you taken me? I have things to do.”
I sip my whiskey and look around the room.
“Perhaps we should start over. I am Igor Sidorov. I’ve recently moved over from Russia.” He offers his hand.
I slip my petite hand into his large, rough hand and look him in the eyes. “Arina Maia, estate agent.”
He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it, and I withdraw it quickly. “Sauve, I’m sure the ladies fall for it in Russia all the time. What am I doing here?”
“Well, firstly, I must warn you, I won’t take kindly to you trying to escape again. You’re here, enjoy it. My servants will get you whatever you want to keep you comfortable.”
“That’s so sweet, but I have plans and can’t stay.” I drain my glass and set it down. “I’ll be going now.”
He grabs my arm and squares his shoulders. I swallow slightly. He is big and really strong. He isn’t hurting me, but I know it won’t be easy to break from his grip.
“So, you’re just going to keep me captive here?” I ask. “Until what?”
“Until the wedding,” he says. “Our wedding. We will be joined in holy union, joining both the Sidorov and Milov families.”
I stare at him for a moment before I smile. “This is a joke? I’m being pranked, aren’t I? Who put you up to this?”
“This is no prank,” he says as he lets me go. “I will show you to your bedroom where you can rest. I will send someone to bring you refreshments before the wedding. Don’t worry. I will treat you well as a wife.”
My smile falls as he takes me by the arm again and leads me to the door. “What can I have the servants bring you up to eat? A sandwich or perhaps some fruit?”