“I’m pretty much an open book,” I comment.

“Well, we missed the show last night. Why don’t we catch tonight’s show and go to dinner and get to know each other a little better,” he suggests.

I blush slightly. “What kind of show is it?”

“An opera,” he comments. “Russian opera is beautiful. I watch it every time it comes to town. I have my own box.”

“It sounds fancy. What do I wear?” I ask.

“You dress formally. We’ll have dinner at the opera beforehand. There’s a restaurant there where Matvey can get reservations. Yvonne has some dresses that should fit you.” He smiles nervously. “If you want, I mean? I don’t even know if you like opera.”

“Well, I like classic literature. I imagine opera is just as beautiful. I’ll go find Yvonne now and get a dress.” I pop the last of my sandwich in my mouth and swallow my coffee. I get up and start walking away before I turn and come back again, kissing him softly.

“What was that for?” he asks with a husky voice.

“Because you’re handsome,” I say shyly before practically skipping away to knock on Yvonne’s bedroom door.

She comes to the door and smiles. “Arina, how can I help?”

“Igor is taking me to dinner and the opera tonight, but I need a dress. He said you might be willing to help me?”

“Willing?” She laughs. “I’ll happily help you. Come in. What’s your favorite color?”

“Blue,” I say as I look around her room. It’s beautifully decorated. Where our room is very straight forward and simple, hers is rather grand.

She leads me into her walk-in closet and folds back two doors before standing back. “Hmm, a blue gown tonight that will drive Igor mad. I’m sure I’ve got something.”

Chapter 16 - Igor

I’m excited about our date, especially after I overheard Matvey and Arina talking in the entranceway. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but they weren’t exactly being quiet.

I never knew that Arina was an orphan. In all my research about her, I never found out that she had been adopted by an abusive family. I mean, I knew she was adopted, which is why her surname isn’t Milov, but there wasn’t much information about he family, I assumed they were just normal.

I feel an immense guilt because I forced her into a marriage she didn’t want, with a man she didn’t love, after all she’d been through in life.

After last night, I have a burning desire to know every little thing about her.

I feel as though we’ve finally connected, and I’m hoping a dinner date out will be exactly what she needs to open up more to me. When I saw she’d been attacked, my whole world had plummeted, but I realize I’m not much better than that guy.

I ask Matvey to make the reservations and get us the tickets.

At six, I dress in a tuxedo with a bowtie and head downstairs to wait for Arina. She’s getting dressed in Yvonne’s room because she wants to surprise me.

I shuffle from foot to foot, nervous about the night out. I am not sure what I’m actually going to say. I want her to have a good time. I want her to feel what I feel.

I hear footsteps and look toward the staircase, my breath catching in my chest.

Arina is coming downstairs, holding up the skirt of her dress so she doesn’t fall. Her hair is made up into a high pony with ringlets cascading down. Her makeup is simple yet striking. She’s used dark eye shadow and eyeliner to bring out the blue in her eyes.

Talking of blue, her eyes match the beautiful baby blue of her gown. It’s an off-shoulder, with a tight bodice, and the skirt blooms around her like a princess dress.

She reaches the bottom and blushes. “You look dashing.”

“You look gorgeous.” I move forward and kiss her softly. “I could very well stay here all night and just watch you sashay around the room.”

“There will be no sashaying around the room,” she scolds me, and I grin. “Yvonne has told me a lot about the Russian opera, and I’m so excited to see it now. Though she said you’ll have to translate for me.”

“It will be my pleasure,” I say, offering her my arm.