I look up Matvey for an explanation.
“The guy she was negotiating with tried to attack her. He did attack her.” Blood pounds in my ears. I stroke her hair gently and stand up.
I walk through the door with Matvey on my heels and look at the man. I see Arina scratched his face.
Good girl.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“Peter Richardson. That bitch attacked…”
My glare silences him, and he holds his hand up. “She attacked me. I just retaliated.”
“You attacked my wife,” I growl. “That is unforgivable.”
I look at Matvey. “Cancel all contracts with him, take him to a quieter part of town, and teach him a lesson.”
“You can’t do that,” Richardson says.
“Oh, can’t I?” I ask. I turn and leave and kneel down by Arina. “It’s going to be okay.”
I scoop her into my arms, and she slides her arms around my neck. I carry her to the elevator. No one tries to stop me.
She rests her head against my shoulder and sniffs, and I hold her tighter.
Once out of the hotel, despite the staring looks we get, I climb into the car with her in my arms. I keep her on my lap. She’s curled up. I’ve never seen her more vulnerable.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” I whisper.
She nods slowly but doesn’t say anything.
The drive back to the estate seems like the longest one I’ve ever taken.
My thumb strokes her back softly, and I shift her. She clings closer to me, and my heart almost shatters. She’s a strong woman, a resilient woman. One of the things that attracts me the most to her is her fiery spirit.
Now, she feels so defeated. I can’t imagine what it would be like to think a man was going to rape you.
We reach the estate, and with some acrobatics, I carefully get her out of the car and carry her into the house. Marie comes running, and I look at her. “Draw a hot bath.”
She hurries ahead of me as I carry Arina up the stairs to our bedroom. I try to put her on the bed, but she tenses up. So, I sit down with her on my lap.
“I’ve drawn you a hot bath,” I murmur.
“I heard,” she whispers. “I don’t know if I want one.”
“I’m so sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn’t have let you go without me.” I cradle her against me. I don’t think I’ve ever been this soft with a woman before. “Matvey will sort him out.”
“Will he kill him?” she asks quietly.
“Do you want me to tell him to?” I ask, stroking her hair with my free hand.
She shakes her head and I give her a small smile. Even after everything, she has a kind heart. It’s more than I can say for that twit.
“Do you want me to leave?” I ask. “Give you some time alone?”
“Not yet,” she murmurs. “You make me feel safe.”
I rock her slightly, kissing her head.