Matvey looks sufficiently chastised, and I could kiss Yvonne for the look on his face.

This might be temporary, but I might be enjoying it a little too much.

We get into the car with Matvey, and Yvonne turns to me during the drive. “They’re bringing in the final proposal today for the abandoned resort in the desert. I really do think we can bring it back to life.”

“I do, too. It has so much potential, and the more we pump into it, the less people will notice where the money is coming from that we’re pumping into it.”

I’m no fool. I know they deal with illegal goods. I just don’t know if it’s drugs or something else. I also don’t know if I’m okay with it. I mean, it’s not like they’re selling people.

“Richardson will meet you,” Yvonne says. “But I’ve got an appointment at the same time, so you’re going to be on your own for this one.”

“That’s fine. He’s a creep, but I can handle him.” I glance at Matvey. “What are you going to do while we work?”

“Play golf,” he says sarcastically.

“No need to be so touchy,” Yvonne says.

“Stop scolding me, woman,” he says angrily. “You’re not Mom.”

Yvonne smiles slyly.

Once we’re at the resort, we separate, and I go to the conference room to wait for Richardson.

I spend most of the morning going through everything to make sure I’m prepared, and I find that I have a couple of hours to spare. I go up to the Sidorov floor and enter our suite, where I’ve left some of my things. I change into a one-piece swimming costume. It’s so damn hot I might as well cool off.

I go to the infinity pool and get in. I swim laps, relaxing in the temperature-controlled water. I can feel the warm sun on my face, and it's so refreshing to duck down into the cool water and come back up for air.

Honestly, my job has always been high-powered and high-driven, and it's ridiculous to think that I now get to take a dip while waiting for a client.

Once I’m sufficiently cooled off, I get out of the pool and wrap a towel around me. Matvey comes out and gives me a sour look. “Aren’t you supposed to be having a meeting?”

“In a little while,” I say. “I wanted to cool off and shower before it started.”

“Living the life of luxury, aren’t we?” he asks.

It doesn’t sit well with me. “I didn’t ask for this, Matvey. In case you forgot, you kidnapped me, and then Igor forced me to marry him. I’m just making the best of a bad situation.” I squeeze my hair out and flick it, sending water everywhere, including his face.

He glares at me, and I walk away.

I don’t like that man, but I don’t want to push him too far.

I go to our suite and run a lukewarm shower to rinse the chlorine from my hair and body. I must admit, since I have been swimming at the resort, I have developed a nice tan. Every now and then, Yvonne joins me, and we have long conversations under the Las Vegas sun.

I dress and dry my hair, and once I’m ready, I go downstairs to the conference room, where I find Richardson waiting alone.

“Richardson,” I say. “I wasn’t expecting you so soon.”

“I finished up my prior business a little earlier than expected. Is Yvonne not joining us today?”

“It’s just you and me,” I say with a smile. I sit opposite him at the table. “Let’s talk figures.”

He sits down and smiles. “Of course, you got the projected earnings for once the resort is back up and running.”

“I think it was a little overestimated. There are many resorts opening in Las Vegas, and the desert isn’t exactly the place that most people want to visit. They normally want to be close to the casinos and the shows.” I push a folder toward him. “I can’t give you eight million for the resort. I am authorized to offer you four and silent partner shares for the first ten years, at which point you’ll be bought out.”

Richardson opens the folder and looks at it. “Peter.”

“Sorry?” I ask.