Matvey leaves, and I turn to Harry. I switch positions, leaning back in my chair, running my fingers through my hair, and brushing the strands back. “When is our next shipment due? Have you settled the fuel bill yet?”

“No, boss, I’m doing that tomorrow. The next shipment is the day after,” Harry says.

“You better hurry the fuck up. If we don’t have fuel, the trucks can’t move the goods.” I sigh. “Do I have to do everything myself?”

Harry shakes his head. “No, sir, I’ll settle it by the end of the day.”

“See that you do.” I lean forward once more as Harry leaves, and I look at Storm. “What have you got to say?”

“We’ve put our feelers out for people who are looking for a bigger slice of the pie, more than what the Milovs can offer them. So far, we’ve picked up a few hard-working guys, but from what I can tell, the Milovs compensate well, so a lot of people are loyal.”

“Then we bring in more of our people from Russia. Have Kiara arrange flights for some of our people back home and their families. If we can’t find workers here, we’ll bring in our own.”

I hear the splashing again and laughter, and I wave Harry off.

I get up and move to the window, and I look out. Yvonne is getting out of the pool and wrapping a towel around herself while Arina gets up on an inflatable and rests back on it.

I look at my guards. “That’s all for today. I’m going to take a break now.”

“Yes, sir,” they chorus.

I go up to my bedroom and change into some swimming trunks. I grab a towel and head downstairs. I don’t see Yvonne when I walk out, but Arina is floating comfortably on the water.

I frown. Her bikini is small, a little too small, and the pants are more like a g-string that barely covers anything.

I wade into the water. “Enjoying yourself?”

“The sun is nice on my skin,” she murmurs, her eyes still closed.

“Do you like showing your body off to other men?” I ask testily.

“What are you talking about?” she asks, opening her eyes and shielding them from the sun to look at me. “What other men?”

“There are guards around. Anyone can see you in what I assume you think is a bikini.” I wade over to her and lean on the inflatable. She slides off the other end.

“You’re being paranoid.” She reaches the end of the pool and picks up her cocktail, sipping it.

I push the inflatable away and swim toward her. “Am I?” I ask, putting a hand on the edge of the pool, either side of her.

“You’re barely wearing anything at all,” I growl.

She turns to face me, her eyes rebellious and bright. “I’m wearing a bikini in a pool.”

“You need to dress appropriately. You are my wife,” I hiss. I slide my hand into the string of the backside of her bikini and run my hand down her ass, lightly touching her.

She looks up at me with heavy-lidded eyes and puts her hands on my chest. “Igor…”

I move my hand away and float back a little. “I’m not just going to give you sex,” I say.

She quirks an eyebrow. “You’re not?”

“No.” I lean forward, our lips close. “You’re going to have to beg me for it next time.”

She watches me curiously before she leans back against the wall, using her elbows to hang onto the wall and stay in place. It perks her breasts out.

“You know, I wouldn’t be swimming in the pool half naked if I had something to do,” she says with a smile.

“Like what?” I ask. “Getting revenge on your family?”