I smile. “Someone will bring your clothes from your apartment, and you can pack a suitcase and join us.”
I see Matvey make a face, but he doesn’t say anything. Lucky for him.
“I’m going to shower and shave. Do you want to join me?” I lower my voice and grin.
“I’ve already showered,” she says abruptly, her cheeks coloring.
I smile coyly and get up, walking out past Matvey. “Get her clothes here and anything else she needs.”
“I can go with,” she says. “I can pack up my stuff.”
“You’re going to stop trying to run away and divorce me?” I ask, looking at her seriously.
“I swear it,” she says, holding her hands up.
I nod. “Alfie and some servants will go with you. I’ll see you when you’re back. The resort is hot, so pack light clothes.”
I go upstairs to the master bedroom and start to strip.
I throw my clothes in the hamper while my butler turns on the shower and adds some of those nice-smelling steamers.
He starts ruffling through my closet while I walk to the bathroom naked and climb into the shower. I sigh as the hot water washes away my stiff muscles from sleeping on the sofa.
I tilt my head to the left, and there’s an audible crack in my neck. I tilt my head to the right and two audible cracks. I sigh and start to lather up.
“Sir, your clothes are laid out,” Jannie says from the bedroom.
“Thanks,” I call. “That will be all.”
I run my hands over my body and imagine what it would be like to have her small hands run over my skin. Soft and delicate, I wonder how it would feel to have her hand wrapped around my erect cock.
I take a deep, shaky breath. Now is not the time to jerk off in the shower to the thought of my wife on her knees in front of me, but my dick has other ideas. I take some deep, calm breaths.
I will have her soon enough to pleasure me.
I know it’s going to be out of this world. At least for her, it will be. I’ll ensure she has so many orgasms she won’t be able to get up and make a sandwich afterward.
I take a few deep breaths and clear my mind, my cock becoming flaccid once more.
I wash my hair and rinse before I turn the shower off. I towel dry off and toss the towel to the side before I lean over the basin. I take my shaving cream and lather my face before picking up my razor. I sharpen it on the piece of leather nearby before I carefully start to shave the rough stubble off my face.
Once done, I brush my teeth and then splash on some aftershave. I go to the bedroom and dress.
Some would say I live like a king, and I really do. I prefer it that way. Why have all this money if you’re not going to enjoy it?
I dress in a suit, but I forgo the tie, leaving the top two buttons undone. Running a comb through my hair,, I put on my suit jacket and buttoned it up. I then came out of my bedroom and went downstairs to where Yvonne was giving the servants instructions.
“I will be gone for a few days. I don’t know if Matvey will stay at the resort with Arina and me or if he will come straight back. Either way, you’re welcome to come with me if you want some company.” I reach out and stroke her hair out of her face. “I don’t want you to get bored.”
“I’m enjoying playing house and setting this place up. I think I’ll revamp the sunroom next,” she says thoughtfully. “Are you not worried about Arina running away?”
“Actually, no. She has agreed to play my doting wife if I help her get revenge against her half-brothers.” I fix my sleeves. “I didn’t think the Milovs were the kind to turn family out, but apparently, they’re worse than I thought.”
“Hmm, they still won’t like that you married their half-sister,” Yvonne says, looking up at me.
“Make sure they find out about it,” I grin. “And let me know how they react.”
“Of course.” She gives an innocent smile and turns to leave.