“Yvonne,” Arina says breathlessly. “I’m sorry.”
“Save it,” my little sister says. She walks away with Matvey following close behind her.
“Now you’ve done it,” I grumble. I hate it when Yvonne is upset; she can get a bit testy. She has a dangerous side to her that few get to see. Arina can be happy she’s over my shoulder and not in Yvonne’s hands.
I wait for everyone else to go away before I start ascending the stairs.
“Time for you to see your new bedroom,” I say.
“I am not sleeping with you,” Arina chokes out. “I’d rather die.”
“That can be arranged,” I threaten.
I walk her into the master bedroom and toss her onto the bed. Her hair is a curly mess now, and she glares at me.
“There are going to be some ground rules while you live here,” I say. “And you will abide by them or spend all your time locked in here.”
She doesn’t say anything, so I continue.
“First of all, you’re going to stop running away. We’re married now. It’s done. You are not undoing that.”
“So, I could undo it if I want to,” she says.
“But you won’t because I command it,” I growl.
She looks up at me with those intense blue eyes, and I want to take her, or at least I would want to if my balls weren’t still throbbing from being kneed.
“Second rule, you apologize properly to Yvonne. Some guards can take you two out shopping, and you make it up to her. You don’t want to be on her bad side, as sweet as she seems.” I hold my hands out. “And no more kneeing me, kicking me, or anything like that. I won’t hit you or hurt you, so you don’t need to do it to me.”
“I will fight you every step of the way,” she snips.
“Then you will be tied up every step of the way.” I cross the room and sit down on the armchair.
“When you’re ready to be civil, I will remove the cuffs so you can get changed.” I cross my legs and arms and watch her.
“This is ridiculous,” she says. “I don’t even have anything to change into.”
“I’m sure one of my T-shirts will fit you fine for now. I’ll have Yvonne find your address and get your things.” I smile.
“Go to hell,” she huffs as she leans back and looks away.
That’s how we sit, in absolute silence, until I notice her nodding off. I give it some time until she’s fast asleep, and then I gently move her onto the bed and remove the cuffs. I cross my room and go to the door where a guard stands. “Alfie, keep an eye on her. Don’t let her sneak out again. She can wander the house, but someone must always accompany her.”
“Yes, sir,” Alfie says.
I go down the hall and back to my office, where Matvey is waiting for me.
“I’m going to look at the reports now and decide what we’re going to do,” I say, picking a cigar out of the box.
“What? No sealing the deal on your wedding night?” Matvey jokes.
I give him a stern look, and he shrugs it off, falling silent.
I sit down and cut and light my cigar, puffing on it leisurely.
Matvey reaches for one as well, and I don’t stop him.
There’s a knock at the door, and I glance up to see Yvonne standing there, looking mad. “Can I come in?” she asks.